family tree (part 2)

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Lord Sausage of Mythland had a son (Evan) after Sausage's disappearance, Evan decided to leave Mythland and have a family. He found a wife, had a son (Pablo), grew old and eventually died. Pablo stayed in the same house, found a wife and also had a son (Diego) and a daughter (Juan). Juan left in search of adventure, but Diego stayed, found a wife and had a son. The line continued for about 800 years, until a man, who stayed nameless, move they family to a different location, a less remote one. One day, at the 1000 year marker, one of the sons (Martyn) went rogue. He became power hungry, jealous that everyone around him had magic and he didn't. He too had a wife and son (Sausage), but they ran away when he was only 2, after discovering that Sausage had magic. And after 27 years of searching, Martyn finally found his long lost son, living in a place called Sanctuary.

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