Copper King

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Pix had an older brother, his name was William. Even though it was a 6 year age difference, the 2 had created a bond that would never be broken. Their father was a kind and gentle ruler, but their mother was rough and abusive towards them and sometime their kingdom. Pix was 6 when the war with Mythland began, and even though he was too young to fight, his brother wasn't. Their father promised Pix that he would do all he could to prevent William from going to war, for he knew that if he died, Pix would break, and he could not bear to see that happen. But his mother had other plans, she was going to the front line, which Pix didn't care if she died, and she was going to bring William with her. That is what she told everyone and then left before the sun could rise. 12 days later, Pix and his father got word that the Queen has died, but the Prince still lived. The King demanded that he was brought back to the city immediately, and so he was. William only had a few cuts and scratches, nothing that wouldn't heal I. The next few days. It had been about a year since the war stared, and the rulers of each land decided to meet up to discuss truce conditions. Pix and William need to attend along their fathers side, and when the got there, they saw the Queen of Mythland and a small boy who looked to be a year younger then Pix. He thought that that must have been the Prince then. He decided to go up and say hello. He told the boy that his name was Pix and asked him his name. The boy seemed quite shy and whispered that his name was Sausage. Pix and Sausage shook hands and then they dragged each other over to the shade of a tree and began to play. It was about 2 hours later, and Sausage and Pix exchanged their life stories, and became quite close friends. Pix heard his brother call him so he said goodbye to his new best friend and went back to Pixandria. After that Pix and Sausage snuck out at night one a week to meet up at the border. This continued for about 11 years. Pix's father had passed away and his brother took the crown. But Sausage was always there to comfort him. One night he told Pix that he couldn't make it to their little meet up for the next 2 weeks because he would be going to other Empires with his mom. Pix said that was okay and they said goodbye. He just continued the next week like every other one, but on a late Tuesday evening on the second week, Pix saw a man dressed in Mythland clothing sneak past the Pixandrian guards and into his house. Curious about what that man was doing, he followed. He realized that the man went into his brother's room. Pix didn't think that Mythland would hurt them, so he just continued to walk. Eventually he reached the room, opened the door, and just stood there in pure shock and horror. The Mythland man was standing over his brother with a bloody knife in his hand. He noticed Pix was there and jumped out the window. At that point, Pix was kneeling at William's side, trying to stop the blood flooding out his side. Pix screamed for the guards, but when the got there, it was already to late. His brothers heat had stopped, and there was only 1 question he had in his head. Did Sausage know?
He felt betrayed. When Sausage next saw Pix, he was greeted with a death stare and a question asking him if he knew. Sausage, confused, ask what he was talking about. Pix then just yelled you killed him, your people killed him, and by now he was in tears, with Sausage trying to comfort him.
One of the Pixandrian guards came and called Pix king. Then it dawned on him, Pix's brother was murdered, by one of his people. Sausage took one step back very slowly, he told Pix he had know idea and that he will find whoever had done it and kill him. But Pix just turned his back and walked away. Sausage sprinted back to Mythland and straight into his mother's room, ignoring the calls from the guards.
A few months had passed, Sausage's mother became very ill. He had claimed the crown, found the assain of the former King of Pixandria and exiled him. Every night, once a week, Sausage went to his meeting place, but Pix never showed. Not once. Eventually Sausage gave up on trying and let Pix be.
Pix on the other hand was crowned king 2 days after his brother's murder, and broke the alliance with Mythland. He tried to go to war with them, but Sausage always declined. Pix knew he still went to their meeting place, he knew that Sausage exiled the assain. But even though it was not his fault, Pix could not forgive Mythland for the crime they had committed. The hole the made in his heart.
After that Pix decided to become a king like his father was, patient, calm and easy going. He noticed that Sausage stayed in his happy and energetic mood, but Pix had known him long enough to know that he was just hiding the sadness and disappointment in himself. Not letting anyone see his weakness. And even though that made Pix slightly guilty for ignoring his friend, who had always been there in his time of need, but not vise versa.
Sometimes Pix though that maybe he should go and apologize, but what's done is done and there is noting that he could do to change the past and his actions towards his former friend. But, he could change the future. So he decided that he would travel to Mythland in the morning, with 3 of the most skilled guards behind him.
When he had reached the Mythland castle, he was let in inside by the guards who had little to no emotion in their eyes. This worried Pix a bit but just put it off to one side for now. He reached what he thought to be Sausage's bedroom, based on what he told him when they were little. Oh Pix missed those time, having nothing to worry about other than being caught when sneaking out to see his friend.
There were quiet sobs coming form the other side of the door, worried that olsomething could have happened, Pix burst through the door only to find Sausage with a tired expression. He decided that looking out of the window was more interesting then having someone kick open your bedroom door. Pix went up to Sausage and embraced him in a hug, even though he did not hug back, he melted into it, which just showed Pix how badly he had hurt him. He said he was sorry to Sausage, and that he was just upset. Sausage's only reply was that he was sorry and he forgave Pix, but their friendship was over, and that William had deserved to die. Pix could feel himself heat up, asking why he would say such a thing. Sausage then said he found out something that he could not tell or share with anyone, and that he would die with the information that once held Pix's brother at the throat. Pix punched Sausage hard in the stomach, but he only flinched, and stumbled back a bit. He asked Pix to leave and never come back in a stern voice, but then I a quiet one, he told Pix sorry, and that there was nothing that could have been done, then asked Pix again to please leave, because if he stayed, there would be consequences to the both of them. Still angry, Pix just stormed out, and back to Pixandria, he vowed to never again show mercy to the Lord of Mythland.

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