Queen of Dawn

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Gem was not getting board, but was more looking for another place to spend her free time, meet new people. So she decide to just travel to a random world and she what she got.
When she reached the world there were about 11 others sitting around a camp fire, probably discussing a few things. When Gem reached the area, a green goblin noticed her, he said his name was fWhip from the Gobland.
He then said that he did not recognize her and asked what her name was and which Empire she belonged to.
She said her name was Gem and that she belonged to the empire of... Dawn. Yes that's where she is from, Dawn.
All the emperors said that they have never heard of it before, but should visit it sometime.
Gem said that maybe in a few weeks, because she is dealing with a few things at the moment. Like not actually having an Empire. She whispered to herself under her breath. Everyone seemed to be friendly and about her age, which was nice.
Gem noticed something off about one of the emperor's. Sausage. He had a strange arura around him, like Gem's, but stronger.
Gem then said goodbye and made her way in a random direction. After about 7 hours of walking, she found a spot where she would build her empire. Thankfully along the way, she collected a bunch of different materials that she would like to use, and began.
By noon the next day, Gem had built 4 houses and 2 farms. She decided that she would go back to her other world, Hermitcraft and spend a few days there.
She grabbed 6 shulker boxes of materials and hopped back into Empires. Gem's empires gained citizens quickly. And she had her first visitor, Pix of the Acient Capital.
He apparently found his Empire after running away from somewhere. Gem found that strange somehow. She figured that that was not the whole truth, but decided to to push into it further. He questioned Gem on how she became ruler, since most of the other emperors just inherented it from their parents. Or brothers. That last part was said in a very hushed tone, and it could have most certainly been carried away by the wind.
Gem could barely understand what he had said. After about an hour of discussing trades, Pix left for Chromia. She then decided to build a gate house and a small stronghold to finish off her empire.
Gem had also thought about a story for how she became Queen.
When she was five her father passed away, and her mother and the Prince meet when at his funeral. They got along and then married, and he became King, her mother Queen, and herself a Princess.
Eventually her mother passed from age and her step-father from grief. She was crowned at the age of 22. And that was her story. The hermits might have helped her sa small bit. Gem then spent 1 week in Hermitctaft and 1 week in Empires. The hermits knew about her other world but the emperors didn't.
Still no one ever questioned her disappearances, she guessed that they thought she was out looking for materials. Living 2 lives was much better than 1. That's what Gem always thought anyway.

Words 554

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