Grocery Store Craze (Nyen x Reader)

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You always knew Nyen was a bitch, but you ignored that, as you kept developing feelings for him.

He could tell you liked him, as he also liked you back, he just waited for you to say something first since he isn't really the best when it comes to expressing your feelings to the person that you like.

So, you did. Then he instantly started acting nicer towards you, and more caring and thoughtful, like a good boyfriend.

"Hey Nyen, do we need new groceries? I don't really see any food that isn't expired."

"Yeah, I'll go get some now, its not like I have anything to do right now anyway."

You both talked a bit until you both agreed to go together.

(At the store)

Nyen walked in first as you followed behind him, you weren't really big on the idea of shopping for food at night, but if its with your boyfriend, Nyen, you don't mind.

You and him split up into different isles to make the whole trip go faster as you noticed a strange looking man in the isle you walked into.

(Except, who are you to judge since you live in the Ivory House..)

"What is a young lady like you doing here late at night?" The man said, walking a bit closer to you.

You stepped back a little, getting scared that he was going to hurt you.

The man then placed his hand on your shoulder, "Well, how about you come with me? We can have some fun tonight.."

You then started shaking your head, "I-I'm taken.. sorry"

The man laughed, "So? I'm married and I want you, its a little secret you don't tell anybody."

You then started getting more nervous, "My boyfriend is in here.. please let go of me" you replied, as the man tightened his grip on your shoulder and frowned.

You then heard footsteps behind you as you sighed in relief as you saw your boyfriend grab the mans collar of his shirt.

"Fuck off, and get a life." Nyen said, as he took out a small dagger from his pocket.

The man then started laughing, "Well, you could get arrested for assault! I didn't even do anything."

"I said leave, now go before I cut your head of, using this." Nyen said, putting the dagger close to the mans neck.

"F-Fine! I'll leave." he said, running out of the small store.

You blushed and hugged your boyfriend, "Thank you dear.. I love you so much."

Nyen also blushed as he hugged you back, "And I'm thankful for you."

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