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(Kai's POV)
I stared through the portal as they took my brother. I cried for three hours. But then I found a green mirror, and while whispering Lloyd's name I seen him appear in the mirror.
" Lloyd!? Lloyd can you hear me?" I asked, then he looked at me.
" Kai!?" He said/asked in excitement. Looks like both of us were crying. I smiled until I heard footsteps. I told Lloyd I would show him to the others later.
" Kai?!" I heard Jay yell as they knocked on the door.!" I know you're upset but you can't stay in your room forever, plus it's dinner time."
"Who's cooking?"
"Okay, I'm coming." I walked out the door, the mirror left on my bed, under the sheets. I barely spoke all through our dinner. I mean, I didn't have to talk, but it was just, we always have weird conversations that I start, yet tonight, it was mostly Jay talking.
(End of dinner)
" Hey guys, I need to show you something." I said, not very loud though.
" What?" Cole asked.
"It's in my room. Come on." I said, we all walked to my room. Here it is." I said, pulling it out from under my sheets. They didn't see it though. I whispered Lloyd's name into it, and just like last time, he was there. I then showed it to the others, who were all excited to see Lloyd OK.
" Guys, oh man, I am so glad to see you, you have no idea how long my arms have been chained. Amd, I really missed hearing your voice." Be said, smiling and crying. We were all starting to cry, even Zane. I did not know how he cried though.
" Lloyd, we're gonna show you to sensei, okay?" I said to him.
"Okay." He said and we rushed to sensei's room.
" Sensei! We found Lloyd!" Jay said as we entered. We then showed our sensei the mirror. He was relieved as well.
" So, what's gonna happen to me? What's he gonna do to me?" Lloyd asked Sensei Wu.
" Hemwill most likely possess you, just so he can become the green ninja. He was obsessed with it back when he was my student." Sensei stated, sighing after finishing.
" Do not worry Lloyd, we will find you. I promise. I promised to look out for you, and that's what I will do." I said, then we heard something outside. We all rushed out, to see a girl.
" Ow." She mumbled as she fell to the ground.
" Who are you?" I asked her, helping her up from where she had fallen.
" I...I'm Aqua. And I came to find you four. Cause, there is something going on in Ninjago City." She told us. We then rushed to the bounty, she followed. She wore a blue jacket, black hood. Had two long brown pigtails, and a black hair band. Her eyes were blue, and her shoes were blue as well. Her pants were black, and scratched up.
" So, what's going on in the city?" Cole asked her.
" I can't explain it, it's a bunch of weird portals and ghost like creatures are coming out of them." She said, which worried me. When she said 'ghost' I knew where the portals lead.
" Morro." I whispered, enraged. We hurried to the city, and she wasn't lying, it was filled with ghosts.
" Wait, HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT A GHOST!?" Jay screamed, for we didn't know that answer. So we tried everything, nothing worked. And then it started raining, the ghosts ran away to the portals. Water, that was the answer.

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