Scared of your own Shadow

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(No POV)
The ninja were right by the door, but then Jay tripped, and Cole went back to help him up.
" Cole, hurry! Get out! Now!" He screamed, but Cole helped him and threw him out, then came a clock dong. " Guys! I'm not vanishing anymore!" Jay said, then Cole walked out, and all three ninja gasped. Cole looked at his hands.
" I'm...a ghost." He said, walking over to them, starting to cry. He sat on the steps and put his face in his hands and cried.
" It's OK Cole, you only tried to help Jay, you didn't hurt anyone." Kai said, sitting beside him and patting his back.
" You don't get it Kai, not only am I leader, but I'm...I'm...I'm scared of ghosts! OK there I said it, I am scared of ghosts. Laugh all you want, I'll take it." Cole said, staring at his team.
" Cole." Jay said, looking at his leader. Cole then noticed that the bounty had come, and Aqua was on it with Nya and Sensei, as well as Misako, and another dude, his name was Ronin.
" Cole!? What happened?" Nya asked him, failing to hug him.
" He didn't escape in time, and that happened. But we found this." Kai said, opening the paper. It was a crystal with 16 sides. It said each side had a new realms. On the other half it showed how to use Airjitzu. They then all attempted to try, well except for Kai. Who was still upset about Lloyd. Aqua helped comfort him while the ninja kept trying. Jay finally did it, a light blue ball wrapped around him and he flew upward, a tornado under the ball, he screamed, and moved a bit in air, then fell.
(Back to Lloyd)
Morro left Lloyd's body again, and the chains reattached to his arms.
" You fool!!! Why would you give him the Airjitzu Scroll, I needed that!!! You work for ME now, not them! I should punish you, but I already destroyed the mirror. I'll come back in a little while." He said. And Lloyd cried. He then looked through a new window and seen a little door, it looked like part of a crystal, and a sixteen sided one. Lloyd had to escape. He then tried with all his might, and knew he wasn't alone.
" I am not alone. I am not alone!" He said, and the chains broke. He then went to the window and climbed out of it. " Now I have to find my father, and I'll escape this place." He said, and left, limping a little.
( two hour time skip)
Lloyd still looked, then seen some familiar anacondrai helmets, the ones the anacondrai worshipers and Chen wore. He then seen a figure standing there, and he knew who it was.
" Dad. Dad!" Lloyd screamed, and his father tuned around and smiled at the sight of his son.
" Lloyd!" He yelled, and Lloyd ran up and hugged him.
" Dad, I missed you so much." Lloyd said, and his father started crying. Then Lloyd looked at the door portal thing. It was right there. "Come on, you can leave, there is the portal." Lloyd said, his father nodded and they ran to the portal. They held hands and jumped in, after they were in, the side in the cursed realm vanished. The two appeared back in Ninjago, at the tea shop. It was completely destroyed.
" So, I'm guessing this is Wu's. " Garmadon said, bringing his son in for a hug. Lloyd smiled at his father and summoned hid power dragon. They got on and flew to Ninjago City.
" They must be here somewhere, I mean, it won't be that hard to spot a flying ship." Lloyd said, unsummonimg his dragon as they landed.
" We will find them son, and we will fix you." Garmadon told his son, who smiled in happiness.
" I really missed you dad. I hope you never leave again." Lloyd said as they walked through the city. They then spotted the ninja fighting some ghosts, even Morro was there.
" WHERE! IS! THE! BOY!? I know you have him ninja!" Morro screamed and Lloyd, as well as his father, hid behind a building. Morro and the ghosts gave up and left. Then the ninja started walking around.
" Guys..Guys!?" Lloyd said, peeking out from behind the building. He ran up and hugged them. Then went back and grabbed his father's hand and pulled him out.
" Wait, your father is..alive!?" Jay asked, staring in shock as Lloyd smiled. He was standing right next to his father, when his mom and uncle got off the bounty.
" Garmadon, is it really you?" Misako asked, walking up to him.
" Yes Misako, it really is." He said back, and they hugged.
"Brother, you, you're alive. How did you escape the cursed realm?" Sensei Wu asked him. Garmadon looked at his brother and explained everything.
(Time skip to the bounty)
" Lloyd, the good news is, you're turning back to normal. Bad news, if Morro finds you and bets into you one more time, you will most likely replace him in the cursed realm, and he will become solid, similar to when the Overlord possessed your father, but do not worry, we will make sure he doesn't get near you." Nya told him as she was checking him.
" Oh my gosh, more hiding!?" Lloyd screamed, irritated at his much he has to hide. They all nodded and he sighed. But then he looked up to see someone whom he knew. Aqua, he knew her.
" Aqua, is that really you. You've grown since we last seen each other, back when we were 9 I believe." Lloyd said, staring at her, eyes feeked with tears.
" Lloyd, you, you've grown up as well, when they said Lloyd, I did not know that they meant you. I missed you so much. I know I shouldve told you about my paremts not wanting me to hang out with the son of the Dark Lord and all but, they would not let me. So I ran away and I found some tomorrow's tea and turned myself older, in case of me finding you again." She said to him. Silence filled the room.

1037 words, wow, longest part for anything yet! I am glad I have people actually reading my stories, only thirteen days left for season five, and four until the Chronicles of Pythor movie comes out on YouTube. Anyways Piece.

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