The Final Flight

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(Lloyd's POV)
Kai was becoming spirit quickly, I got up, even in pain, and ran over to him. I picked him and cried.
" Kai! Do not do this! I said I didn't care if I became a spirit, I didn't think you would do this!!" I screamed in sadness, then my father walked up and put a hand on my shoulder.
" There is no stopping the now son, but we can aid him, by making sure we destroy Morro." He told me and I seriously could have wailed.
" He was my best friend!! Why Kai!? Why? " I cried and cried, but Morro ran up and looked at me. My dad stepped in front of me.
" You have hurt my son enough. You have hurt my son and his friends, his emotions are hurt too, you will not hurt him anymore!" My dad started fighting Morro, and the others founmd us.
" Lloyd? What happened to Kai?" Zane asked, the others stared at Kai as well, and I told them everything.
" ......l...lloyd...i...i'm..doin' this for you...i care about you, and I said I could keep you safe, so that is what i am" With that Kai vanished, he was in the cursed realm now. I fell to me knees, in a lush up position, and stared at where I was just laying minutes ago. I sobbed and sobbed. First Same, then my father, now my best friend/brother! I have nothing more left to live for. I know my dad is alive but Kai...he was always there for me. My father was fighting Morro right now, and we all headed to the bounty. I was crying and wiping my eyes out.
" We have to get your dad and find a place where we can banish Morro bak to the cursed realm from.
" Well, uenalready took Kai, there goes one of our first team members, this team is losing more members left and right." Jay screamed in upsetness and rage. I was curled in a ball on a chair, and Aqua came up beside me and rubbed my side.
"Lloyd, I know you're upset. But it'll get better, you will never replace him, but things'll get better. I promise." She told me, and I looked up at her, and mustered up my will.
"You're right, now I really do have a bone to pick with Morro." I said, and they cheered at me not being solidly depressed, I wasn't used to death cause I was really an eleven year old inside my body. And at heart. And it's natural to cry over death of you're my mental age.

( Kai's POV)
I woke up in a weird place, it was familiar though, and I knew why. This was where I found the Airjitzu Scroll. I knew I would never see Lloyd or the others, and I never got to say goodbye to Nya or Skylor, but I did this cause it was my destiny to protect Lloyd. Then my heart was glowing.
" What the!?" I asked, and heard a voice.
" You, Kai, master of fire, have fulfilled your destiny of protection the green ninja, there for, you have two options. Go back and help them, and if Morro is defeated you will become solid again, or stay here,and never see them again." It said.
"I wanna go back and help them." I said.
" As you request." It said and a doorway opened, it was green, white, red, blue, and black. I slowly turned the knob, and walked inside...

I make people cry. Anyways, this is happening now. Ermergerd if this thing gets so many views, wait for the sequal! I'm only doing what I think you will enjoy. Can't wait for those comments.

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