Caring mothers

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"Kirra! The school called earlier, something about a map? Do not lie to me." Was the first thing Kirra heard from her mother. It was sharp and direct towards her daughter. "Your brother wasn't on it." She added, as if her brother was somehow morally better due to this.

"It's nothing, mamá, I swear. Some girl thought she was funny." She replied throwing her bag onto the bannister.

"What?" She asked.

"It's not true." She replied about to walk up the stairs.

"Kirra! Stop lying!" Her mum yelled, Kirra spun round.

"I didn't do anything." Kirra said, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"I don't believe you, Ki, you will be punished." Her mum replied angrily, her gaze twitching to Kirra and the light that glimmered directly in her eyes. The conflicting views of something so intense and light, opposed to Kirra.

The sweet nickname thrown in between harsh, cold words. It felt a way to soften the blow, but it didn't. From Kirra's mother it was mos likely a slip of the tongue to call her 'Ki'. "Have you slept with those boys? Be honest."

Finally, her mother asked the question. It seemed to dangle in the air. She was a slut, they both knew. It seemed still her mother went about it delicately. It appeared like she couldn't even face the truth of what her daughter was.

"No, only a kiss. They like to lie." How ironic? She thought as she, herself, lied.

"And what of the girls?" Her mum questioned again. Her gaze as intense as the light.

Kirra wanted the devil, the one her mother warned her against, to pull her under into the ring of lust. Condemn her right then and there. Feeling the hot winds of the hellish cyclone sweeping her up with the other lustful spirits, felt like a light breeze with her friends. It seemed anything was better than facing her mother as she faced the questions. The ones she couldn't answer.

"No, never, Mamá. I don't like that." Kirra responded, her gaze shifted for just a moment.

Was that what gave her away? What ruined her lies? Unraveled and came toppling through the weak rough. Her brother would laugh. Her mother would scream. Kirra would pick all the lies up, finding a familiar face underneath the piles. Her own? Her fathers? The map?

"Kirra, go to your room." Her mother asked shaking her head. The worries floated. The creak of lies that could've fallen through the roof went quiet. "Oh, and tomorrow get some food for us." Kirra just nodded racing up to text Ant, knowing he was getting the same treatment. Perhaps with less worries.

The next day she walked over wearing a white top and a light green skirt. She felt a number of eyes on her belonging to non other then Ca$h and his 'friends'. She was meant to pick some food up, but there was no way she was gonna openly walk alone with them there.

"Oh, Jesus Christ." She said walking in see Amerie. "What the fuck have you done to your hair?" She said walking over.

"Oh, I... cut my own bangs." Amerie replied, ashamed. They were wonky. Too short. Torn against her face. It was horrific.

"You look like you fell into a bush forward." She said, turning away to order her food. It was more like a bush fire forward, but perhaps that was too harsh. Although, she remembered her mother's words and face, when she looked at Amerie.

"Are you going to the graveyard?" Her brother walked into her room, leaning the wall.

"Why?" Kirra said, lacing her boots up.

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