9. pain

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I had a discussion with Khalid some days earlier, he did admit that he was indeed engaged with that girl, I won't lie, I was vexed, how could he not tell me, I know that I was being selfish, I was happily married, then why did it hurt so much to see him with another woman, was it because he is the father of my child or because I am so in love with him,

I tried to understand and I did at the time of the discussion but my heart says another thing, Khalid was nice and understanding of my predicament, he assured me, he said he loved only me and would do anything for me except calling off the engagement, he then held me tight and made incredible love to me,

No matter what he loves me and I love him too.


My husband's condition has worsened, he is weakening day by day, he  is in pain, his pain hurts me,

Damien is already 1 years plus this is the time he needs his father love and care but he is Invalid, sometimes people visit, I assure them he will live but even I, am not sure, he is getting worse day by day, I see the pain in his eyes and it pains me too see him so, I dedicate my time taking care of him, assuring him and myself that he will heal even though the doctors have told me that he would not live so long,

I wonder what my life would be without him around, without his kind words and encouraging smile, I wonder if I could live without him, how I would cope without him and those thoughts weigh me down and even in his condition, he encourages me to take heart and to care for his child.

"I promise him that I will.

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