10. happiness and love

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I checked it again to be sure my eyes were not deceiving me, two lines, positive, I look down at my flat stomach, another baby is on his way, I smile, I have to tell my husband, he would be ecstatic,

I run to his room, he is sitting up on his bed then looks up once I badge in,

"What is the matter?" He asks worried,

"I am pregnant" I tell him, waiting for his reaction,

At first he is indifferent then slowly his face broke into a smile then he laughed,

"Come here" he said, I walk over to him and he side hugs me, I sit by his bed, "I am so happy, I will have another child, thank you" he says,

"I am happy as well" I say,

"Have you informed Khalid?" He asked,

"Not yet, I just found out now"

"You have to inform him Asap, you know he did the hard work" he said,

"I did work too" I pout,

He laughed,

"Go and tell him".

I rush to my room and phone him,

"Hey what's up"

"Khalid we need to meet and talk"

"What about?"

"I can't say it on phone, let's meet"

He groaned, "Flower, I have a busy day today"

"Pretty please, it is urgent" I said,

"Do you want to fuck?" He asked, I blushed, thankfully he couldn't see me through the phone,

"What, no no, not that, let's meet"

"Sure, but I am fucking you" he said

"Khalid, stop saying that" I beg over the phone,

"What? That I want to fuck you?"

"Stooopp, I thought you said you are busy"

"Not anymore, I want you now" he whispered seductively, I could feel myself getting wet,

"We'll meet at the usual place" I say cutting the call, before he says something nasty again, I know he is laughing at me wherever he is now.

"What took you so long" he said the moment I entered the pent house,

I was shocked, I was literally rushing over here,

"How did you get here do fast?" I ask

"That's not the main point" he said already pulling me by the hand towards him, he leaned down and started kissing my lips and neck and turning me on, his hands had started their favorite work grabbing my breasts and finding my vagina,

"Stop" he didn't,

"I wanted to talk to you" he stopped me by covering my lips with his, I pushed him away,

"What?" He asked frustrated,

"Calm down, I called you here to talk not this"

"But you also want this, your pussy is dripping wet and begging me" he said grabbing my waist again,

"I am pregnant"

He was still busy trying to kiss me, before my words registered, he stopped abruptly staring at me wide mouthed, then his gaze moved to my stomach region then back to my face,

"What?" I laughed at his weird behavior,

"You are carrying my child" he said his face pulling of one of his wide smile,


Before I knew it, he was hugging me and murmuring

"I love you" he said kneeling and hugging my belly,

"I love you too"

"Come and sit" he said "I don't want my baby to be stressed"

"And what about me?"

"I don't want you to be stressed as well" he said pampering me like a baby,

I kissed him, rubbing my hand on his cock,

"Baby, what are you doing, you naughty girl"

"It's your fault, you got me in the mood" I say, pulling his trousers down,

"What about the baby?" He asked,

"He'll be fine, right now you need to make me fine" I said giving him a handjob before placing my mouth,

Pretty soon we were riding away in passion, happy and in love

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