Chapter 2- At The River

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After a while you decide to start your journey down to the river...

Your walk from your house to the river isn't that far, you thought while taking your first few steps. " I don't understand why she wants me out here, I could die for goodness sake's!" You murmured to yourself. After taking a few more steps, you here a rustling noise coming from a bush. You immediately turn around to the noise but when you turn nothings there. You decide it was probably just a animal or something so you continue down the path. Again, after a few more steps you here rustling coming from a even closer bush.  You brush it of considering it's just a rabbit looking for food. After a moment you finally get to the river. " Alright, now all I need to do is get some water and walk back to the house" you said to yourself. You bend down at the river taking your buckets and filling them up with water one by one...

After a while of filling up the buckets you turn around to see a vampire in front of you. You instantly drop the buckets of water you have from shock. Knowing you can't back up any more or you will fall in the river. ( I just realized vampires can't be in daylight but what ever 😭 ) "What are you doing out here all alone?" He caressed your cheek while saying that. You didn't dare to move not knowing what would happen next. " I'm just getting water.." you reply not wanting him to get mad for not answering him. " You do realize any monster could come out here right now and bite your pretty little face of?" He then started to slowly put his arms around you but thankfully you were quick enough to push him away. " you're pretty tough for a petty human." " Now as I was saying, I was sent here
specifically to take you with me. The kings needs you." The vampire shivered at the thought of the king, Tom kaulitz. He is by far the worst out of all of the other king and queens that roam this earth now. " What?! Why would he need me?" You answered in a shocked tone. You didn't know why he would ever need you since your a pathetic human. " that is something I can't discuss with you. Now all you have to do is follow me and I'll lead you to his castle." You immediately refused but the vampire started to grab your arm, but before he could, you made a break for it. You started running through the forest to get back home. You could see your house in the distance. You turn around to see that the vampire is not far from you. His eyes are all red, so if he caught you, you would be bitten instantly. You try your hardest to speed up but you barely even ran so it was hard to. You were so close to your home you could feel the happiness in you as you got closer, and closer. You finally made it to your house and was about to open the door but you felt arms fly around your waist and then everything went black...

543 words
Hello! This took way longer than I thought for 543
words! But I did take breaks every now and then so maybe it's just me. Luv you <3

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