Chapter 7 - Confusion and Pain

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Bill's POV:
I sat there for a moment thinking about what Tom would do to her. I regret that...

I got out of my thought when I realized it had started to sprinkle. I didn't want to go back to the mansion after that. I walked to the drivers seat and went in my car and went into my glove box to find a pack of cigarettes. My mind was telling me not to do it. But my body didn't listen. I grabbed the pack with the lighter and lit one. I wasn't used to doing this. This wasn't me. I was almost starting to see Tom in me. I just sat there with the faint sounds of cars passing by on other streets, and the dim street lights reflecting on the ground because of the rain. My mind was just blank as I sat there, I hate myself. Eventually I took the cigarette out of my mouth and stomped on it, and eventually got in my car. I was basically drenched but I didn't care. I didn't even realize that I was slowly drifting off to sleep...

Rose's POV:

I woke up to myself being thrown into a backseat of a car. My vision was very blurry for a second until my sight came back. I looked around and I was in what I thought it was, Tom's car. I looked out the window and saw Tom coming around to get in the drivers seat and Bill just standing there on the side of the street just staring at me. What happened? My thought was immediately interrupted by Tom barging through the car and slamming the door shut. He didn't even say a word and we were off. Did I get kidnapped? Why was I in the back seat of the car? Wasn't I just in bed going to sleep? I thought. I didn't do anything wrong, I have no memory of leaving the room at all, I was starting to consider that I was kidnapped and Tom had saved me until we took a very hard stop, and we were back at the mansion. Tom took no time to get out and grab my wrist and drag me out of the car. We walked in the front door, and I couldn't even figure out where we were, I still haven't seen the whole place at all. While Tom was dragging me up the stairs, I accidentally tripped on my pajama pants that I was wearing. Tom didn't even care he kept walking. I was basically being dragged up the stairs trying to regain myself. Finally I regain myself once we enter the hallway. I finally recognized a place in this whole entire castle! But Tom just shoved me into my "bedroom", if you want to even call it that. I fell to the floor not expecting it. Before I could get up Tom slammed the door shut and pinned me to the ground, with his hand on my chest. I tried squirming out of his grasp but I couldn't. He overpowered me in so many ways, and this was one of them. "Do you realize what you did?" He said in a sharp tone. It sounded like he could snap any moment. "I-I" I tried to spit out a sentence before I felt a cold hand slap me across the face. It stung so badly, I was trying not to cry from the pain but I just couldn't hold back anymore. A tear droplet came down my face and whole bunch more came, and I couldn't control it. Tom started screaming at me but I couldn't even make out what he was saying. All I could do is cry. " I didn't do anything wrong!" I shouted out, but it sounded like a whisper. Tom stopped screaming at me once he heard those words. He picked me up and sat me on the bed with him staring down at me watching my every move. I said that sentence again. That's all I could say before crying again. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it. "What do you mean you didn't do anything wrong?!" " I specifically told you not to leave this room, and what do you do!" He yelled at me. " I was sleeping" is what I managed to get out between his little rants. He finally stopped yelling at me and what it seemed like, he actually listened to me. But you could tell he could burst any second. "All I remember is that I did what you told me to do, and I fell asleep." I said, basically whispering. You could tell Tom's angry faced had turned into a face of confusion, like he was trying to connect the dots in his head. After a moment of him thinking he stepped closer to me and kneeled down in front of me. All I could do was stare at my lap, I was scared he was going to hit me again, or scream at me. He took his hand and picked up my face so I was exact eye contact with him. I hate eye contact. But I didn't want to make him mad anymore so I stayed like that. You could see the sorrow in his face, like he was actually sad of what he just did. "I know who did this" he whispered at me. Tom knew? I was still all confused about everything that just happened. " stay here" he told me, I could see his face was anger and sadness, but the anger wasn't at me. He slowly got up and walked towards the door and before he left he glared at me one more time before shutting the door. The glance he gave me was telling me that he was sorry, with his eyes. I was still so confused tho, first I was in a car driving back to the mansion, then I'm getting yelled at, and now I'm getting told the same words I heard only hours ago. I was scared of what Tom had figured out. Knowing he was already angry enough. Who ever had did what they did, they were gonna be dead instantly. But who could've done what ever they did and why was it so bad? The only thing I could think about is Bill staring at me through the window with so many emotions going on. Was it him?...

1,074 words

Hello everybody! I am so sorry I haven't posted anything in such a long time! My life has gotten pretty busy, and I've lost the motivation to write completely. That was until when I saw someone commenting on my book telling me how they love the book, and ask when I'm going to continue it! I was super shocked that they said that, and it instantly inspired me to start writing again. I'm not gonna say their name because I don't want it to sound like I'm picking favorites, but thank you so much! I'll try to post another chapter tomorrow if I can! Luv you <3

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