Chapter 3- Somewhere New

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I grabbed the girl by the waist and injected her with the injection Tom gave me. I hated when he had me do stuff like this. I quickly got out of the disguise that Tom also gave me. He said that we wouldn't want her to figure out it was his own brother that took her here in the future apparently. I shoved the outfit and the injection in my bag. I picked the girl up and ran out of there not wanting any one to see me...

Rose's POV:
You finally made it to your house and was about to open the door but you felt arms fly around your waist and that was the last thing I saw before everything went black...

You wake up to the sound of distant chatter going on. Everything was a bit blurry so you couldn't tell where you are. You feel yourself start to have a headache. After laying down for a moment everything is not as blurry as it was so you can see now. You find yourself in what looks like a dungeon cell. You sit up from the  bed you were sleeping in and look around trying to remember what had just happened before you magically ended up here. Then everything came flooding back to you. You start to get nervous because that vampire took you here. You start to wonder what your mom is thinking right now and why it's taking you so long. If only you ran a little faster you could've been with your mom right now doing the dishes or any thing else right now. You calm yourself down a little bit after a moment and start to think back at what that guy said. 
Your head was still a little blank but you can remember him saying something about the king wanting me. Soon after you realize that's where you are. " The castle!" You whisper shouted to yourself. Then the realization hit you hard in the face. " The castle.." you whispered to yourself in a aggravated tone. You did not want to meet the king, Tom Kaulitz. " I'm surprised im not dead yet!" You complain...

After a long while of waiting, at least it felt like it to you, a guard comes up to your cell and stops right outside the bars. " Ms. Harper? The king would like to talk to you privately." " I don't want to talk to him! He basically sent out one of his stupid goons to kidnap me!" " Ms., This talk is very important and mandatory. If you don't have this meeting he could easily kill you in an instant." You immediately agreed after he said that you could get killed if you don't do it. The guard unlocked the cage door and opened the door for you to walk out. With out thinking you immediately ran the opposite way of the way you were going to go. You thought to yourself that you didn't know where an exit was but you didn't care. You came up to a hallway that you could be cornered up at any second. And of course as soon as that thought spread across your mind you instantly turned around because at least 6 guards popped up around the corner and started chasing you. You thought you were just about to get away when 4 guards were on the other side. You just stopped in the middle knowing there was no way you will be able to escape this. Right before the guards caught you, in the distance you saw the one and only, Tom Kaulitz. Two seconds later you felt a sharp pain in your neck, and everything turning black, once more...

620  words
Hiya! Another chapter posted on the same day! I haven't gotten many views at all, but I'm going to still keep posting more chapters because one day I'll have more views! Luv you <3

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