Ep. 5: He Remembers, He Believes

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Frisk had rested well for a mere two minutes at the inn and swapped out a few items at the box right outside. She SAVED her progress before moving towards Sans and Papyrus's house near the other side of the village.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS ONE, HUMAN?" asked the tall skeleton "DO YOU THINK THIS CAR IS COOL ENOUGH?" Papyrus gestured to a red convertible with a dark interior. He seemed rather excited to finally have his own car. He had been to the DMV to take his test and get a permit for the time being. Later, he'd be practicing for his license.

"I believe it is." replied Frisk, hopping into the backseat of the vehicle "It's still up to you if you want this one."

Sans followed suit as his brother climbed into the driver seat. "yeah, you'll be the one driving it, bro." spoke the midget skeleton.

Papyrus thought about his decision before turning to the car salesman nearby. "I SUPPOSE I'LL GET THIS ONE THEN!" he told him "IT HAS PLENTY OF ROOM AND MY FRIENDS FIND IT APPEALING. THE PRICE IS ALSO FAIRLY DECENT AND THE MILEAGE SHOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM."

"Alright, let's head back inside and make this sale then." the salesman said, leading the trio into the dealership building "There are a few things you have to sign and discuss with me before I give you the keys."

Frisk remembered the day Papyrus was able to buy his car on the surface. His face lit up when Sans promised to help him study for his driver's test and take him down to the dealership to pick out a vehicle. She couldn't wait to see him drive around in it again.

It wasn't long before she had come across the little cabin the skeleton brothers lived in. The same snow-covered roof. The same festive wreath hanging on the front door. The same holiday lights strung along the edge of the roof. She approached the door cautiously, for she feared Papyrus was still there. Knock! Knock! Knock! The child gently knocked, hoping the younger brother wouldn't answer.

The door opened slightly and a single eye socket peered out. "it's just you, right, kid?" Sans asked from behind the door "my brother is just up ahead, near the entrance of waterfall. he's waiting to capture you still."

Frisk only nodded in understanding. "I'm on my way over there now. Do you think he might bring up anything from the previous timeline?" Frisk wanted to be sure the plan would work. She didn't want Papyrus remembering anything until later.

"i have my doubts, frisk." spoke Sans, keeping his tone low "if he does, i hope you have a backup plan like the one you came up with earlier. just play it cool when you fight him, k?"

The girl gave her friend a thumbs up before turning to head towards the end of the snowy path. She waved to Sans and proceeded onward. The fate of the Underground was in her hands.

The sound of the river running adjacent to the path provided no comfort to the small human. Frisk wondered if Papyrus had found out already. She hoped he knew nothing about the previous timeline. This would make the task more difficult but, she was determined to fix everything Flowey and Chara caused.

Papyrus stood just before the end of the snow, the entrance to Waterfall looming behind him. The brave skeleton was prepared to face off against the tiny human... Or at least he thought he was prepared. The two could hardly see each other through the snow and mist. Yet they still knew what had to be done.


Frisk remembered how he'd thought she was the one for him all because she showed great enthusiasm for his puzzles. He also believed it was meant to be since she never touched his pasta and claimed Junior Jumble was truly the most difficult puzzle. She wondered if he'd go off on the same spiel. Much to her surprise, he didn't.

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