Ep. 2.5: Napstablook's Ghost Fight

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So, I realized I forgot to add Napstablook in the second episode because they were supposed to be in the ruins. I wanted to just wrap that one up since it had already gone over 1,500 words and I was running out of ideas for it despite having to watch a cinematic playthrough with voice acting. Anyway, I'm just now getting to it and I hope this makes up for what I couldn't add in earlier. This one will be very short and quick because I still would like Napstablook to get a little more time in the spotlight than what they typically have in most fanwork or even canon. I still hope you enjoy this!


The goat monster had just turned and walked out of the room, leaving Frisk to continue exploring the ruins. The child entered the next room and remembered the first few times she had ever received a call from Toriel. The kind lady had asked if she preferred cinnamon or butterscotch. Now, Frisk did enjoy cinnamon but, decided on butterscotch since she'd been dared to eat as many spoonfuls of cinnamon as she could back on the surface. That was the last time she consumed that much as she had ended up in the hospital.

The child pressed onward, solving any puzzles in her path in order to reach Toriel's home near the end of the Ruins. She knew Toriel would remember to grab butterscotch for the pie so, the girl just continued forward until she reached one particular room where a certain ghost was pretending to sleep.

"Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... Zzzzzzzzzzzz..." was all they were saying. Unfortunately, Frisk had to get them to move off the path to continue. "Are they gone yet...?" the ghost whispered to themselves before repeatedly saying "Z" again. Frisk carefully approached them and reached out to gently nudge them before the ghost quickly got up off the ground and floated in front of her. She recognized who it was.

Frisk started off by Checking the ghost. "NAPSTABLOOK - ATK 10 DEF 10 This monster doesn't seem to have a sense of humor..." This information only confirmed it was indeed the youngest of the Blook cousins.

"Oh, I'm real funny." they seemed to respond to Frisk Checking them with a quiet voice full of sarcasm. Napstablook then began their first attack. Acid tears fell from the ghoul's eyes and made their way toward Frisk. The young child carefully moved around in an attempt to dodge the tears. Once it was her turn, she opted to Cheer. Frisk did her best to lift Napstablook's mood a little by giving them a patient smile. This seemed to work since the pale ghost started to smile back. There wasn't much for their next attack except a sentence appearing in front of Frisk. "Really not feelin' up to it right now, sorry." it read.

Frisk selected the Cheer option again and told the ghost a joke. She was getting through to them and began hoping they would remember her soon. Acid tears rained down once more. This time there were less tears and they were easier to dodge. Frisk went to Cheer a third time but, Napstablook stopped them. They released more tears again and formed a little top hat with them. It sat on their head perfectly.

"I call it 'Dapper Blook...' Do you like it...?" spoke Napstablook, showing Frisk their hat. Frisk's eyes sparkled with joy seeing Napstablook happy. She nodded her head and that's when it all came back to them. Napstablook had finally remembered everything. The phone call to Mettaton, saving Frisk from their oldest cousin inside the dummy, producing music with Mettaton and their friends, and being a DJ at countless events.

Napstablook watched as Frisk held her arms out for a hug. Even if they weren't corporeal, the ghost accepted the embrace. "I-I don't know what happened..." they choked out "How did we end up here again...?" Napstablook was trying to control their emotions. Frisk knew it wouldn't be easy to explain to them without someone who knew more about RESETs.

"It's complicated, Nap." the child began "But I have a plan to get us out again." Napstablook was reassured by that comment. They knew Frisk would be able to break the barrier again and save them all. "I doubt Mettaton will remember easily so, I'll really need you to call him when I battle him." Frisk told the specter "That should help him recall everything from the surface. Do you think you can do that?"

Napstablook nodded eagerly, smiling at the thought of freedom. They were ready to assist any way they could. The ghost gave the child a small wave before disappearing off into the Ruins more. "If you need anything, Frisk, feel free to give me a call..." spoke Napstablook as they stopped the human in her tracks "Or... If you notice any other strange things... I may be able to help with them..."

"That would be greatly appreciated." thanked the young girl "I'll definitely let you know. It means a lot, Nap. Now, be safe out there and just sit tight while I try to get us all out of here again."

The two then went their separate ways for now. Frisk continued on her way to Toriel's as Napstablook made their way back to Waterfall. The ghoul had to keep track of their cousin the best they could in order to better help Frisk when she would later encounter him.

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