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Coming face to face with a crying Yin Nuan, anyone would be moved. One could see Xinyue had to restrain himself from consoling his beloved who had cheated on him with his older brother.

Yin Nuan had a white moonlight appearance, she was delicate and her skin was white and supple, when she cried, her eyes turned red and her cheeks flushed red. She was very delicate, anyone would want to ravage her and keep her locked to themselves but Zexian knew the ultimate truth of this world and this petite and vulnerable appearance couldn't move his heart, still he acted concerned following his role.

"Why are you crying, Yin Nuan? Did Xinyue scold her?" Zexian put his hand on her shoulders but Nuan stiffened, although this person was the same, she still felt as if he was a predator, something changed about him and eyes that were filled with concern still seemed distant and fierce that would make anyone tremble.

Xinyue couldn't bear to look at his brother who he had always adored and looked up to.

"How can you still act so innocent, brother. Nuan has told me everything." Xinyue clenched his fists, "about you two." He added with a sour heart. His eyes turning red.

"Zexian let's come clean. I've told him about us. I couldn't keep lying to him, you see I've fallen for him and couldn't keep us a secret. Please forgive this girl. I really meant no harm to you. Let's beg for forgiveness together." Yin Nuan was really good at what she does. She really seemed regretful of her actions.

"Father, Xinyue, please forgive us." Yin Nuan begged as she sobbed pitifully and fell on the floor.

Wei Wuying watched the entire seen with cold eyes, he sat on his usual seat while Xinyue stood beside him. "Don't you have something to say brother?"

Zexian kept quiet and closed his eyes.

"It is true. Yin Nuan and I have been going behind your back. Nuan loves me and I love her."

Both the father and son were enraged, hearing Wei Zexian's words. Zexian didn't seem regretful nor did he ask for forgiveness. He stood tall with his back straight and looked into his father's eyes.

"We'll accept any punishment father gives but don't ask us to leave each other." Zexian added fuel to the flames.

Yin Nuan was shocked by his words. "What are you saying Zexian. Ask for forgiveness, we've done the wrong thing." So it seems that even if he didn't spend the night with her, she still came to confess about her and Zexian. Zexian wasn't fazed by this progress, in fact, he loved it.

Old man Wuying cleched his first in anger, he raised his kids with the same morals he had followed. Family comes first, he always taught them. He taught them to stick together and have each other's backs, not go around fooling with your future sister in law. Wuying was so angry, he couldn't speak a word.

"Leave" He said though gritted teeth.

"Both of you, you're not my son. Once you step out of this house, you're dead to me. I never raised you with such immoral values, don't ever come back. Same goes for the girl, no need to associate with us now." Wuying couldn't bear to look at them anymore and stood up to go back to his study. Wei Zexian's eyes glinted with strange mischief but it was gone within a second without being noticed by anyone.

Yin Nuan cried loudly but her cries meant nothing. Zexian supported Nuan and carried her out of the gates and the pair walked quiet a few distance from the Wei mansion.

Upset with his brother, Xinyue did nothing to side with his brother and kept quiet as his father disowned his elder brother without so much as a hesitation. Xinyue too, with a broken heart and the grief of loosing a family member went to his room to cope.

After walking a considerable distance, Zexian's eyes turned cold and he stopped supporting Yin Nuan, and in return, she looked at him fiercely.

"Have you no shame? What good would it bring to get disowned. Bringing me down with you." Yin Nuan shouted, pointing her fingers at him.

Zexian sighed, "Just get lost." Yin Nuan was obviously stunned with the sudden change in Wei Zexian's attitude. "You'll regret this", she said venomously before stomping away.

Wei Zexian revealed a lazy grin and called a cab and went to a small town few hours away from X city. While he was searching the database, he found that Yin Nuan was an illegitimate child of the Yin family, she had been secretly contacting her real father and telling all the important details that Xinyue discusses with her. She only got close to Zexian because she was scared that he had found her out, she had thought to indulge him to keep his mouth shut but ended up getting kicked out. Yin Nuan has to be completely eradicated or else she will again climb Xinyue's bed and reveal all secrets to her real dad and cause the downfall of the Wei group as her father then will rise to the top of the business heirarchy. But there still was a little time left and Wei Zexian had all the time in this world to relax.

He finally escaped the dog blooded drama successfully completing his role. He had experienced way too much grief, it was time for him to relax and heal his heart and so he became a teacher.

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