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Zhen Liang carried the child in his arms and the said child was sleeping peacefully. Now, why would a child sleep during school hours and through the most awaited period of the schedule when the energy of the kids is at its highest, this happened because of an incident a few hours earlier.

When Luo Ming called him a dad, everything that Zhen Liang had been trying to forget kept coming back. All he wanted to do was not suffer anymore but the past haunted him in the form of familiar characters over and over again. Still, he wasn't someone who'll lose his composure in front of everyone. Maybe this was all part of the system's plan and he'd rather die than let the system get the best of him.

Luo Ming was cute, he was extremely cute and he resembled Xiao Rong a little too much. His personality was that of a little king, he doesn't feel any hesitation or shame in saying and asking for what he wants. When Zhen Liang gave a flower to the little girl, soon many eager and hopeful eyes were pinned on him yet only this little kid had the guts and confidence to ask him for a flower directly, looking wronged and hurt as if Zhen Liang had cheated on him. In many ways Luo Ming was different from Xiao Rong yet he was so very similar. He stuck to him like Xiao Rong would and asked for attention and would puff up his cheeks when he doesn't get it. There were similarities that made Zhen Liang remember the past and kept him up at night overthinking. Now, this little bun has started calling him daddy so suddenly.

"Don't disturb your teacher, Ming Ming." Zhen Liang scolded the little kid but also picked him up and even though he tried to scold the kid, anyone could see the infinite patience and care in his eyes.

"What do you say when you make a mistake?"

Luo Ming peeked at the teacher who had a small smile on her face as she looked at the duo who truly acted like father and son, in his small voice he spoke, "I'm sorry teacher."

"Mr.Zhen is too good to the kids. Even though you've met them once, they've started liking you more than me."

"You flatter me, Teacher."

"Come on, Ming Ming. Don't bother Mr. Zhen anymore. Get down and go play with your friends."

To that Luo Ming only buried his head on his dad's chest. Zhen Liang's chest vibrated as he laughed lowly. "Let him be, Teacher. I'll carry him for a while Let's go to where all the kids are."

The three of them made their way to where all the kids were playing. The teacher did a head count of all the kids to make sure no one went missing while she was chasing after Luo Ming. The kids were in the amusement park for a picnic, they rode all the smaller rides and some kids were sharing their lunch.

"Uncle Zhen, why do you only hold Ming Ming?"

"That's right. Why is it only MingMing?"

"I also want to be held by Uncle"

At first, it was a group of three girls who complained but soon the whole class gathered around them and it looked like a fight would soon break out between them.

"No one can do. It's because he is Ming Ming's daddy." Luo Ming said in his righteous voice as if it's the most natural thing in the world. His words enraged other kids even more and all of them started speaking at the same time, drowning out the voice of their teacher. Zhen Liang who did not intervene until now, put Mingming down on the ground and tried to appease the other kids.

"How can Uncle be Ming Ming's dad."

"Luo Ming is a liar."

"I'm not a liar."

"Yes he is "

"I said I'm not. "

Ming's eyes turned red and his face flushed with anger and the boy held his shirt in his little fists, trying not to burst out crying. Seeing how the teacher had a hard time calming down the kids, Zhen Liang decided to take the matter in his own hands, "Silence" he shouted and it immediately shut up all the kids, even the passerby stopped to stare at them, seemingly shocked.

Zhen Liang cleared his throat, a little embarrassed.

"Luo Ming is a distant relative of mine and he calls me daddy.... affectionately." Zhen Liang coughed again, hoping that the kids believed him.

The kids sniffled a little, hearing his words. "Does that mean uncle Zhen likes Luo Ming more than he likes us?" a girl with two pigtails shot Zhen Liang a wronged look and a few kids started bawling. Zhen Liang's head ached. It seems that he has made the situation even worse. Luo Ming who was about to refute his dad's claims was picked up by his teacher, seeing other kids bawling, Luo Ming also started to cry and both the adults seemed at a loss on how the situation progressed.

A lot of time passed by and the two adults were tired from calming down all the crying kids. Luo Ming had also calmed down, being coddled by his dad put him in a good mood and the exhaustion from crying too much put him to sleep.

While Zhen Liang was busy, he did not notice his phone vibrate. In fact, he has been forgetting about a certain main character that he needed to harass. Bai Ru had been feeling anxious, she was afraid of becoming just another face among the many countless faces that struggle in this industry. She hasn't been getting calls from Zhen Liang either. She was someone who always knew when somebody liked her. Zhen Liang was no different. For so many years she deliberately led him on, how can a man as handsome as Zhen Liang like someone other than her. She wasn't someone to commit to one person, she always wanted everything and everyone but now it seems that Zhen Liang has forgotten about her and she's also not getting any more roles.

It was a big anomaly in itself, Bai Ru should never be the one to call him and Zhen Liang should've paid attention to it much sooner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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