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"Will...." Jamie tried to stop Will but she couldn't he was too pissed. He had just been in a long match with Orange Cassidy at Forbidden Door and this was the last thing he needed. Just as she caught his arm Kyle Fletcher got a firm hold of him. Toni even though she had just had a match as well could see what was going on and moved to help Jamie. The three of them dragged Will away from Sammy who was still mouthing at him.

"Aww look at the New Japan bitch boy get dragged away by the ladies. Bitch boy's too weak to even get away from them." Both Toni and Jamie glared at Sammy while as he laughed. Will broke free from them beelining it towards Sammy. Juice was the one to catch him stopping him just before his fist connected with the other man's face.

"Chris get him the fuck out of here." Toni's words weren't minced. Everyone knew about Will and Sammy's hatred after their last encounter. It was why Tony had scheduled the JAS match at the beginning of the show so they would be cleared out of gorilla by Will's match. Chris Jericho didn't even hesitate. His hand went to Sammy's collar before the young man was dragged towards his locker room. "Juice..." Toni knew he was struggling keeping Will from attacking the other man who was simply chuckling. Jamie's jaw tensed but she still had to make it seem as though they were simply friends and not dating. "William I swear to fucking god." His head snapped towards the blonde and he was glaring at her. None of them knew what had caused all of this but all of them were just as angry at him as he was at them for stopping him.

"Get him to the bloody car." Jamie's words were said through her teeth. She had just assured Tony that this wouldn't happen again the last thing she needed was for this to fall back on her. Kyle and Juice dragged the still thrashing man out of the building and towards the car with the two women following close behind. Will was pushed against the car before the two men stepped away from him and Jamie stepped in front of him. They all knew that he wouldn't fight her but they would do the two the favor of covering them from any prying eyes. "You best start talking you bloody fucking Muppet." She was holding back the anger in her voice.

"Bloody fucking wannabe chav thinks that it's funny to come up to me to chat about wanting to make you his next bit of fun. How in the fuck else do you want me to respond?" He took a step towards her only to be instantly pushed back. Her hand was along his stomach keeping him pressed against the car.

"By ignoring that stupid prick. He's just trying to get a rise out of you you bloody Muppet." When the rolled his eyes Jamie grabbed his chin forcing Will to look at her. "I told you last time Will. It's time to stop this bullshit. You want to come here...." She forced him to look over at the AEW sign on the back of the arena. "Thats the only company that will sign you and you keep doing this shit and your chances are gone. You're bloody lucky Juice stopped you. If this gets back to Tony...." She paused. His line of sight was back on her and she could see him calming slightly. "This shit isn't going to fly with Tony. Trust me. Sammy's an annoying little prick. One that I wouldn't touch with a bloody ten foot pole so whatever he says about me just fucking ignore you Muppet. He's just chatting out his ass love."

"TK...." Toni warned the two of them as she saw her boss walking towards them.

"Have any of you seen Will? We need him for the press conference." Jamie looked at Will and the look she gave him said not to move. She took a step away from him before moving so she was more in Tony's line of sight. He was one of the very few who had been cued in on their relationship when Jamie had come clean to Toni and Britt.

"I don't think a press conference is best for him right now Tony." Though her voice was cool her body language was telling everyone anything but. She was simply doing her best to control her anger. Tony didn't even question it. He simply nodded before leaving it be.

"If I don't need to know about it I don't want to." They all nodded before he walked away. When Jamie turned back towards Will, Toni, Juice and Kyle exchanged a glance before leaving the two alone.

"You really are a bloody fucking Muppet aren't you?" His gaze wouldn't meet hers. "William...." He knew she wasn't fucking around when she said his full name. "You know I will defend you till I'm blue in the face but you can't keep doing all this. I know Sammy is a troll but you cannot let him win." Finally his line of sight met hers. "You also need to realize William that there is one person and one person only that I want to be with and that person will never be Sammy."

"I'm sorry Paige." He said quietly before she nodded. She took a few steps towards him before her arms wrapped around him. He almost immediately returned the hug his nose burying into her hair.

"One last thing..." She said as she carefully pulled away her eyes meeting his. "You ever fight me like that again and I will put you on your ass." He nodded. "Muppet." He nodded again but this time his eyesight fell to the floor. Her arms slipped to his neck before she pulled him down to her height. Her lips pressed to his temple. "You're bloody lucky you're my Muppet." Will's arms tightened around Jamie, his lips meeting her shoulder before he spoke.

"I bloody am."

Drink the Haterade (Jamie Hayter X Will Ospreay)Where stories live. Discover now