The Royal Tech Lab

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The Next Day

When the 4 were on their way to the lab, Zelda had concerning thoughts about the little guardian Terrako. Despite that it has been following them around, Zelda was wondering why it was mostly attached to her. Tvisha also looked at the guardian as well, although she was acknowledging how cute it looked. Impa and Link also looked concerned too. 

"Hmm, I wonder why this guardian is so attached to me." Princess Zelda said, plus the little guardian was walking around her making beeping noises. "Whatever could it be, little one?"

Despite that Terrako was making more beeping and booping noise, however Zelda, Impa, and Link agreed that they would talk with Purah and Robbie about the little guardian, but also ask about Tvisha too. Since they also had suspicions about what Tvisha said about her coming from somewhere else. 

"I suppose, all we can do is to have Purah and Robbie analyze." The Princess said, and the others nodded. "Agreed, your Highness." Impa said, and they continued to walk. The 4 continued to walk until they reached the lab. However heading there wasn't too easy. Before they even went there, they had to deal with a little fight with the bokoblins that were blocking their way. But around an hour later they were cleared off. The 4 still continued to walk up to the lab. But little do they know something must be spying on them... 

The Royal Tech Lab

2 Sheikah members, named Purah and Robbie, have been working in this Ancient Tech Lab for so long. And they have been helping out Zelda and the rest of the royal family. The 2 agreed to analyze the guardian, and also figure out something about Tvisha. Plus they both also noticed something unexpected about her appearance and such. While Purah focused on Terrako, Robbie was examining Tvisha. 

"Hmm, well I gotta tell ya girl. You do seem a bit different." Robbie said, and Tvisha's attention was elsewhere. "However, I think I'm sure enough to analyze ya. Just kinda hard to even know where you came from." Which got Tvisha's attention to Robbie. 

"So you really believe my story?" She asked, then heard Purah's voice. "Oh, we never doubted you for a moment." As Tvisha turned to Purah, who was walking up to Zelda, Impa, and Link. "However, I've got the data from the guardian's memory onto the Sheikah Slate." Then she handed it over to Zelda, showing some pictures on the device. "What... Is That..." Zelda said, as she observed closely.

"Yup, no doubt about it. Hyrule Castle after Calamity Ganon has been revived." Purah said, "As you can see, we managed to extract some of the data, but much of it was fragmented." Robbie said, "Even so, if I analyze what we received, we may be able to make sense of more of it."

Calamity Ganon? Tvisha thought, the name sounded familiar to her when it gave her pause. She must have remembered learning or knowing about it, although didn't seem to remember much. However she saw that the Princess was at loss.

"This is... the ruin the Calamity will bring... will bring upon all of Hyrule." Zelda said, "If we allow this to pass, I fear all hope will be lost." 

"Even everything we've done up until now, likely won't be enough." Impa said, and Zelda sighed. 

"If I don't succeed... at sealing the Calamity..." Zelda then said, although then she changed her expression. "Never... this will not come to pass..." 

Tvisha also came up and saw those images, and also looked a bit worried. Even though she didn't know much about what would happen to Hyrule Castle, she knew that this wasn't good at all. But despite her not knowing much, she almost felt eager to help out. But as much as she wanted to ask about it, she waited until they went back to Hyrule Castle. 

Hyrule Warriors Age Of Calamity: A Girl From The Different World (FAN-FICTION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora