"F#@k you" Yo Shindo x Reader (Part 1)

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Hello lovely's, this is the rewrite for 'Enemies to lovers' with a new title. The old series will no longer be available because for some reason Wattpad deleted the first 3 parts of the old one so I apologize. BUT here is the updated version. Please enjoy☺️.

Warning: strong language


"Say that again." You growl, your eyes narrowed at the dark haired boy.

"You're just mad that you're not strong enough to beat a couple of first years." He smirked down at you, his eyes crinkling. "That's why you didn't pass your Exam."

You knew exactly what he was doing, he was putting the blame on you. You stared up at the boy, you could feel your temper rising as you clenched your fist. Ever since the provisional license exam, Yo Shindo has been pressing your buttons and today you finally had enough of his pettiness. Shindo watched as you glared at him, he could tell he was getting to you. He chuckled before bending down to your level.

"What's wrong [First Name]? Cat got your tongue?" He leaned forward and whispered into your ear. "Can't admit that you're the reason we failed the ambush on UA."

That's it. You've had enough of this bullshit blame.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

Why did we start here? Ugh of course you wanna know what actually happened. ( ˙-˙ )

Alright let's start from the beginning.
The Provisional License Exam, a test aspiring heroes in the hero academia take so they can legally fight crime and help out other hero's on their way up the hero path. Every year the test differs, but this year was apparently harder than all the previous years. Due to the amount of students taking the exam, the operators made sure that a select few actually get the license. 100 in the first round are allowed to pass, the rest have to wait another year or take classes to improve then deemed 'worthy' enough to pass.

Today, You were taking that Exam. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You were totally freaking out. The night before the exam was terrible, you didn't catch a wink of sleep until 3am and the morning wasn't any better. First you missed your alarm, missed the bus, fell into a puddle, ran into the door in your classroom, tripped over nothing, and then missed the bus to actually go to the test. Let's face it, you're already having a shit day. You would have missed the exam if it weren't for Tatami telling Mrs. Joke that they left you at the school.

"[First Name] are you doing okay?" Tatami asked, looking over at you with her eyebrows furrowed.

Your forehead head was glued to the seat in front of you and you were heavily frowning.

"I mean, you literally tripped over nothing earlier. You're usually never this clumsy." She continued.

The bus then hit a pothole, the driver slammed on the breaks causing you to slam into the seat in front of you. You groaned as the boys sitting in front of you turned around to see what happened.

"Dear god, [First Name] are you alright?" Shikkui asked as he looked down at the girl now pressed fully against the seat.

"Would you sit up before you hurt yourself even more!" Tatami ordered, pulling you by the arm back up into the seat and made you sit upright. "What on earth is up with you today?"

You shook your head, you had no idea why you were so freaked out about a little exam. You just sat lowered your head and sat quietly the entire way to the place the exam was taking place at. Once you arrived, you slowly made your way off the bus. Carefully going down the steps of the bus, you once again trip over your own feet. You started to fall to the concrete but a hand grabbed your fore arm and your waist, holding you in place. Your head whipped around to see Shindo had caught you.

"Jesus [First Name], Watch where you're going would ya! This is the second time today you've tried to kiss the floor." He complained and let go of you after steading you.

He pushed past you and stepped over to Shikkui and Itejiro, stretching. You stepped off the bus and looked over at Tatami, who was shaking her head.

"[First Name]. We're gonna have to pull the bubble wrap  out just to keep you from hitting the floor today. I swear, why are you so uncoordinated today?" She questioned, pulling you along with the class as they started walking around the facility.

"I dunno." You shook your head at yourself. "I'm just nervous."

"Don't be! You have an amazing quirk and you're gonna kick this exam in it's non-existent face!"

You paused and looked at tatami, she stared back with a blank face. You cracked a smile before breaking out into laughter, Tatami following shortly after you with a cackle. Suddenly Mrs. Joke started yelling out to someone.

"Eraserhead!" She smiled, making a beeline for the tired teacher. "Let's get married."


She laughed off the rejection before turning and motioning at us to come over. "Meet my students!"

Yo Shindo did a full 360, his usual 'blank face' turned into a 'good boy' persona as he approached the unaware but well known class 1A. You sighed.

"Here we go."

"Hi! I'm Yo shindo! I hope to learn from all of you!" He smiled and grabbed a boy with green hair, holding his hands in both of his with his fake smile. Of course it was working, he had made the boy blush at his advancement. He moved along the group of students spewing a bunch of nonsense.

"I can't wait to see you guys in action."

"I've seen all of you on TV! Pretty cool!"

"You guys are like crazy strong!"

He went to reach for an blond boy's hand but his hands were instantly smacked away.

"Drop the act." He scowled.

Your class was taken aback by how the boy acted.

"Isn't that Katsuki Bakugo, the one who won first place at the sports festival?" Tatami whispered into your ear.

"I think so."



I hate making mini series because I always wanna just finish the story all in one, but what fun would that be?


Welp, im actually excited to get started back with this series.

Til then my dear

 Yo Shindo boyfriend scenarios! one shots! Lemons!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora