Chapter 14

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Shane could feel his eyes getting heavy as he stared into the fire. He was anxious to get moving, but he knew Najia would be useless until she was feeling better, and he needed her to get the car hot wired. Or, at least awake enough to show him how to do it himself.

He tried to let her rest as long as he could, but he has guessed it had been close to an hour already, and he wasn't about to wait any longer. But it was then when he heard the all too familiar hiss of the Shadow People.

Shane's fingers wrapped around the grip of the gun, ready at his side. He peered into the darkness, but even the light of the dying flames wouldn't reveal the Shadow People that were lurking.

He crawled over to Najia, his gun in one hand, as he let his other hand caress her shoulder softly.

"Don't move," he whispered as she moved under his hand.

Najia held her breath, staring into the darkness, waiting, as Shane stood and stepped over her, blocking her from their predators.

Shane lifted his gun as the shadowy shapes slowly came into sight, circling around them, just outside the light of the fire. Najia stood, her gun in her hand, back to back with Shane as the creatures moved in.

"Looks like we sobered up too soon," Najia muttered.

The low growl of an engine split the silence, growing quickly louder and louder, until headlights shown from over the hill. A Hummer flew over the crest of the hill, it's headlights scattering the Shadow People, their agonizing screams drowning out the loud engine. The vehicle skidded around, coming to a stop, as a bearded man with an eye patch and a sword jumped out.

"It's play time, Gil!" he yelled, a grin splitting his face.

"Does that man have a sword?" Najia muttered from behind Shane's shoulder.

They watched, stunned, as the man called Gil stood out of the moon roof, rifle snug in the crest between his arm and chest.

"Leave me a few, Marlon, would ya?" Gil shouted as he cocked the weapon.

Shrieks erupted from the Shadow People as the two men began their attacks. Marlon disappeared into the darkness, swinging his sword at the creatures and pushing them closer to the headlights. As the creatures came into view, Gil took aim and fired, hitting them perfectly, one by one while Marlon battled the others. He swung his sword with precise ease and the creatures dropped around him until finally, their world was silent once more.

Gil jumped down from the roof of the hummer, throwing the rifle over his shoulder where it hung on his back. Marlon returned his sword to its sheath at his waist as Gil approached him.

"Thanks for letting me play this time 'round," Gil said.

"Well, I hate to have all the fun," Marlon said. "And I know how you hate to lose to a guy with a sword."

Gil tipped an imaginary hat towards Najia. "Miss," he said in greeting. "We're right surprised to see some more survivors 'sides us."

Marlon eyed the hand guns they carried and smiled. "I hope we didn't take the fun away from ya."

Najia pocketed her gun, but she felt Shane stiffen at her side. He kept his gun in hand, lowering it just slightly.

"Put it away, Son," Gil said. "Why would we want to hurt you?"

Shane pinched his lips together, narrowing his eyes at them.

"He's an unnecessarily suspicious person," Najia said, stepping forward. "He probably would have killed me, too, if I didn't have a vehicle."

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