Chapter 20

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"So, you're really never going to go back?" Abigail asked.

Najia shrugged. "It's probably too late to change my mind now,"

"You're a strong woman," Leah said. "And you have a point - you don't really know what kind of people they are."

"She doesn't know who we are, either," Abigail pointed out.

"Well," Leah started. "If we ever start fighting over her, she'll probably just get up and drive away." She winked at Najia. "I think she's capable of taking care of herself."

"I still think a doctor would be nice to have with us."

"I think he was genuinely a good guy," Najia said. "He always looked out for me, even the first day we met him." Najia hesitated. "Marlon and Gil, too." She missed them already.

"Got it," Leah said. "Stay away from Shane and Alex."

She kind of missed Shane, too. There was still a chocolate bar in her bag. Najia sighed. "What about you guys?" Najia asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"I was on my way home to the city when it happened," Leah said. "Just turned around and went the other way."

"You didn't have family?"

"I had an abusive ex who I really had no intention of returning to, anyway."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

Leah shook her head. "I see this as my second chance. Sometimes I wonder if I would have gone home to him, if this hadn't happened."

"I don't think so," Abigail said. "I think you would have turned right around, anyway."

Leah smiled and looked at her feet. "Thanks, Abby."

"You guys found each other after that?"

"Leah picked me up on the side of the road. My car broke down just outside the city as I was trying to escape."

"I thought she was going to throw herself into the river," Leah said.

Abigail did not respond. She looked out the window into the darkness.

"Her parents both died in the city," Leah whispered to Najia.

"I threw out my favorite sword," Abigail muttered. "Didn't you say Marlon had a sword?"

Najia nodded.

"I think we should team up with him."

"Well," Najia said. "Sorry to disappoint you."

Abigail crossed her arms.

"This is fun," Leah said sarcastically. "Do you have any CDs? I brought some of mine."

"No," Najia said quickly. "No music."

Leah's hand stopped in mid air, hovering over her bag. "Okay," she said slowly, leaning back in her seat. "Someone hate's music."

Najia bit her lower lip. "Sorry," she said quietly. "Do whatever you want."

Leah shook her head. "Nope, we don't have to. No music." She smiled reassuringly at Najia.

"How much longer are we gonna drive?" Abigail said, her voice on the verge of a whine.

"She gets cranky," Leah said quietly.

"I don't get cranky," Abigail hissed.

"I don't know," Najia said with a shrug. "Until dinner." She checked the fuel gage. She would need to find a station soon. The cans in the back were already empty.

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