Chapter 18

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It was late when they finally stopped. Najia's stomach had been growling for hours. She got out of the car eagerly and stretched her arms as far as she could above her head. They worked quickly building a fire, then settled in as they waited for their cans of soups to boil in their brand new pots.

Alex was in much better shape at that point, and Dusty lay loyally across his master's lap, enjoying the warmth of the fire before him. Najia sat beside them and scratched the dog's ear.

"How long have you had him?" she asked Alex.

"Eight years."

"I always wanted a dog," she said. "It's nice that he's here with you, through all this."

Alex shrugged. "We've been through a lot together," he said softly.

Najia met his gaze and smiled. "Are you looking for anyone?"

Alex shook his head. "My parents are both dead."

"Oh." Najia shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

She hesitated. "Oh. Okay." Najia cleared her throat. "So, what have you been doing?"

Alex shrugged again. "Not much of anything," he said. "Thought I could take these bastards all on myself. Figured I was the only one left and that I could at least go down fighting."

"Well," Najia started. "Now you have us."

Alex met her gaze but did not return her smile. "I guess so."

Najia turned to the fire. "I just hope that if we run into any more people, they're female."

Shane snorted from across the fire. Najia narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm way out numbered over here," she said. "You guys are great and all, but you just don't understand women."

"And I'll never try to," Gil said, raising his flask in the air.

The wind picked up around them, slowly at first and then getting stronger, blowing their hair around their faces as they continued to eat and drink.

"Storm's comin' in," Marlon muttered.

Gil nodded. "Don't wanna be caught in one of them dust storms," he said. "We best get packin' up and spend the night in the cars."

"Good 'scuse to get some sleep," Marlon said with a yawn.

Gil stood. "Yessir. Who's bunkin' with us? Lot's'a room in the Hummer."

"Doc and Alex with us," Marlon said, pointing to the Hummer behind him with a thumb. "Yanno, in case the kid's got some brain damage in that thick head'a his."

Alex rolled his eyes. "Great," he muttered. "Sausage sleep over."

"You mean I'm gonna miss out on the pillow fight?" Shane teased him.

"Why can't I bunk with Najia?" Alex whined. "I don't wanna be stuck with the old guys."

"Ouch," Harvey muttered, getting to his feet.

"Yeah," Shane spat. "That's why you wanna bunk with Najia."

"What's that supposed to mean, asshole?"

"Oh my Yoba," Najia groaned. "You're both manly men, now take the testosterone down a few notches."

"Well, since we're all actin' like a bunch of children," Marlon grumbled. "The old guys are callin' the shots here. Najia gets the car to herself."

Najia smiled and got to her feet. "That's more like it."

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