Chapter 19

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"Sleep well?" Alex asked Najia over their morning's coffee. The sand storm had dissipated over night and they had gathered around their little fire pit once more before heading out on the road again.

"Like a baby," Shane said with a false sense of cheerfulness as he sat across from them with coffee in hand.

"Wasn't asking you," Alex said snidely.


"I slept well, too," Gil chimed in sarcastically. "Thanks to those two."

"Sorry, Gil," Shane said. "I guess we were a little too loud." He shot a glance toward Alex and smiled.

"Seriously?" Najia muttered.

"It sounds like someone's neediness kept you up, Najia," Alex said, his gaze on Shane's. He turned to her, his eyes softer. "Next time you can bunk with me."

Najia stood abruptly and stormed away from the fire towards the car.

"Oh, good," Shane said. "You pissed her off. Real good with the ladies, aren't ya?"

"Some ego from a dirtbag like you," Alex said.

Shane stood. "That ego of yours is so big, that giant fucking head of yours has its own orbit."

"Well," Alex started. "I'm Shane. I'm brighter than the sun. The fucking universe revolves around me."

The engine to the car started and the head lights flicked on. The five men turned toward the car and watched as it sped down the high way.

Marlon stood, his hands in his pockets, and sighed. "Good job, you fuckin' dweebs," he hissed at them. "Neither of you know how to properly woo a lady." He turned toward the road, pointing. "Look at that. There she goes. The last women left and you drove her away." He nodded to himself approvingly. "Good for her. Wastin' her time with the lot of you shitheads."

"For the record," Harvey spoke up. "I think she liked me."

"Shut it, Harvey," Alex spat.

"That's enough," Gil growled. "Both of you."

Shane moved toward the Hummer, but Marlon's hand was tight on his arm.

"I don't think so, cowboy," Marlon muttered.

"We can't just let her leave," Shane said. "She can't be alone out there."

"She was alone for a long time before she had the unfortunate luck of bumping into you. I think she'll manage."

"You've got to be kidding me." Shane pulled his arm out of Marlon's grip.

"I'm the one with the keys, boy. What I say, goes."

Shane smiled. "Fortunately you don't need keys to start an engine."

Gil's rifle cocked from behind him. Marlon smiled at Shane.

"You better watch yourself, son. The world could use one less survivor." Marlon stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles. "Now, how about we clean up here and get a move on?"


Najia fumed to herself as she sped down the highway. How dare they treat her like some piece of meat? She knew Shane was an ass, but she never expected him to act that way. But then again, maybe she was being stupid for trusting a guy she had only known for a couple of weeks. She cursed under her breath. Stupid. Stupid, trusting, Najia. Always trying to find the best in people. Always trying to look at the bright side of the darkest situation. Shane was right; she was being stupid. She couldn't trust any of them. She had no reason to. Any of them could have turned around and taken advantage of her. Hell, they had been alone for so long, it was a surprise no one had done that already. It was a good thing she left when she did. A good thing she had the courage to be on her own again. Alone. Out in the big, dark world, with enemies lurking in the shadows, alone.

Najia swallowed and looked back in the rear view mirror. Was it too late to turn around? What if they were gone? What if she lost them? What if they were the only survivors left, and she'd never see them again? Cursed to spend the rest of her life in this dark, cruel world, alone. Cursed to die, scared and alone.

She bit her lip and looked forward once more. No, she didn't need them. She had gotten so far without them; without anyone. She could do it again.

But she had a taste. A taste of companionship. A being to talk to; to laugh with. Even if it was kind of an ass. She couldn't imagine going on without that again.

But it was as if Yoba heard her fears and granted her one wish. Her headlights flashed over the body of a car on the side of the road, and there was a light flashing in her face, as if someone were trying to flag her down.

Her heart raced as she neared the car and pulled up beside it. She opened the window and peered into the darkness.

"Oh my Yoba," a voice said. "Another person."

Najia fumbled for her flashlight and shown it on the two women in the car. Their light swept over her face. She smiled to them.

"I can't believe we found someone," the other voice - a girl with purple hair - said.

"She doesn't seem as excited to see us."

"You're not exactly the first people I've come across," Najia said.

Their eyes widened. "There's more?" the driver said.

Najia nodded.


She hesitated. "I kind of ditched them," she said. "Quite a few miles back."

The two women exchanged a glance.

"Why?" the girl with the purple hair asked.

"I don't really know," Najia said slowly. "They pissed me off."

"Where are you heading?" the driver asked.

"The coast. You?"

They turned to each other once more.

"Don't know," the driver said. "We've just been driving aimlessly without much of a plan."

"We had a plan," the other girl pointed out. "It just kinda fell through."

"What's at the coast?"

Najia hesitated. "Hopefully my grandfather."

"At least she has someone left," the girl muttered.

"Do you think we could join you?" the driver asked carefully. "We actually kind of broke down and have been stuck here for a while."

"Yes," Najia said quickly, then hesitated once more. "I mean. Yeah. I don't know. Sure."

They didn't wait for Naia to make up her mind. They hurried out of the car, grabbing their things, and piled in with Najia.

"I'm Leah, by the way," the driver said, sliding into the passenger seat.

"Abigail," the other girl said as she closed the back door.

"I'm Najia."

"So," Abigail started. "What happens when you get to the coast? If you're grandfather's there?"

"I'm not really sure," Najia said as she stepped on the gas. "I guess he's kind of crazy. He called me before this all happened. Told me to meet him there. He would be able to protect me. I'm starting to doubt him, though."

"Well, that's a chance I'd be willing to take," Leah said. "You can always worry about it after you see for yourself."

Najia pinched her lips. "Maybe."

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