Chapter 17

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"That's a good boy, Dusty," Najia cooed to the dog who was crammed in the back seat. His tongue lolled out happily and his ears flapped in the wind as he leaned his head out the window.

"It smells," Shane muttered.

Najia turned back around in her seat and shot a glare at him. "You smell, too."

"Yeah, well, so do you."

Najia crossed her arms. "He's a good dog," she said. "Dogs make excellent companions."

"You mean, I could have stopped at the pet store instead of being stuck with you?"

"I guess," Najia said with a shrug. "But at least I talk."

"Yeah," Shane muttered. "The dog wouldn't argue with me about actors or talk about tampons."

Najia sighed. "I guess we're doomed to never find out who's right."

"It's me," Shane said. "I'm right."

Najia rolled her eyes. They had made it back onto the interstate and were heading to the nearest store they could find. Despite Shane's objections, they had planned to take the next exit they could, bringing them into the closest town for them to raid.

Shane shifted uneasily as the exit neared. He preferred to stay away from any civilized area where the Shadow People could have inhabited. Marlon and Gil were not unreasonable; Shane had a point, after all. But their supplies were low, and Harvey was anxious to get his hands on anything he could use for medical equipment.

They pulled off the interstate and made their way around the exit and into the next deserted city. They stopped first at a large department store, pulling right up to the front doors, which had already been busted open.

"More survivors?" Gil eyed the broken glass carefully.

"Either that," Marlon started, "or those shadow bastards really wanted in."

A chill went up Najia's spine as they inspected the rubble.

"Well," Gil said, his hand on his rifle. "Let's get to work before we find out."

Najia and Shane followed Gil in, Harvey in tow as Marlon waited outside with the vehicles.

The store was in shambles. It was clear that a battle had taken place. Shelvings were broken and carts were over turned. Products were scattered over the floor. But, for the most part, they were relative to their appropriate aisles, making their search a little easier.

Gil moved into the store first, stepping over a body as he did so. Najia, Shane, and Harvey stared at the body on the ground, covered in dust, broken pieces of wood, and torn bits of clothing.

"Oh," Najia said quietly.

"You better get used to it," Gil called over his shoulder. "This won't be the last time you see something like this."

Harvey swallowed, closed his eyes, and stepped quickly over the body. Shane turned to Najia, his eyes soft.

"You should stay outside," he said quietly.

Najia hesitated. "But... I need stuff..."

"I'll get everything, okay?"

Najia shook her head. "You don't know what to get."


Najia smiled sheepishly. "You don't have to do that."

Shane rolled his eyes. "Just wait outside." He held his breath as he stepped over the body, wincing slightly, and hurried forward to catch up with Harvey and Gil.

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