Chapter 16

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"Michael Cera was not in Zombieland!" Shane yelled at Najia.

"Yes he was!" Najia yelled back.

"That's the guy in Juno," he said. "You're thinking of Jesse Eisenberg."

"No," Najia said stubbornly. "He was in both."

"No he wasn't!"

"Yes he was!"

Shane groaned loudly. They had been driving non-stop for the last two days and he was growing irritated with her. "Why you gotta be so stubborn, woman."

Najia burst into tears. Shane jumped up in his seat and stared at her in disbelief.

"What the hell?"

"I can't even look it up on my phone!" Najia cried.


Najia sobbed and let her head rest on the steering wheel. "Do you know how long it's been?"


"I need a god damn tampon," Najia yelled. She slammed on the breaks and sobbed.

Shane pushed himself as far as he could get into the door. "That's way too much information."

"And drugs," Najia muttered, leaning back in her seat. "And chocolate. And god damn internet so I can prove to you that you're wrong!"

Shane pushed the door open quickly and stumbled out. The Hummer pulled up behind them and Gil leaned out his window.

"Everything okay?" he called to Shane.

Shane turned and shielded his eyes from their headlights. "No!"

"What's wrong?"

Shane hesitated. "The problem is, I'm stuck in the only car with the woman driver."

"Aw, Shane," Marlon said, leaning out of the window. "She ain't that bad. She can hot wire a car for cris'sake."

"The woman thinks Jesse Eisenberg is Michael Cera!"

Marlon and Gil stared at him blankly. They both turned as Harvey uttered something from the back seat and they burst into laughter.

"This isn't funny," Shane hissed. "Tell Harvey to get out here."

"What do you want with him?" Gil asked.

"He's a doctor."

Harvey leaned out his back window. "Is she okay?"

"Let's just say, she's definitely not pregnant."

Harvey stared at him for a moment. "That's good to know."

"She needs a tampon!" Shane yelled.

Marlon and Gil slunk back into the car.

Harvey blushed. "Oh." He hesitated. "Can't help her there."

Shane groaned and leaned against the trunk as Najia stumbled out of the car, clutching at her side.

"Move, dumbass," she muttered as she made her way to the back side of the car. She pushed Shane away and popped the trunk open, muttering to herself. "Of all the people... all damned men... where are the women... can't do nothing..." She fished through bags, pulling out the Advil and dug deeper still. "Yes," she sung as she found what she was looking for. She held the tampon in the air in victory.

"Oh, hell," Shane said, turning away.

"I might have just a couple left," Najia said. "We need to stop soon for supplies."

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