Comes Great Responsability

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Hey I hope you enjoyed the last chapter

Piper woke up early to make some last-minute adjustments to her weapons, they were two pistol daggers that she made out of spare parts and scrap that she could find "I swear I spend more time fixing these than I do actually using them" she sighed, after she was happy with her weapons she got dressed, her combat uniform consisted of a red hoodie and trousers with pieces of leather armour over the top, "it's probably best to keep my web-shooters on just in case" she said to herself, once she had everything secure she heard Gwen shouting over to her

"come on, I'm not letting you show up late for this" Gwen joked as the two made their way to the cliffside for the entrance exam

once everyone had arrived at the cliff side Professor Ozpin began his speech "For years you have honed your skills as warriors and today those skills will be put to the test, now I'm sure you have heard rumours of the assignment of teams, allow me to put an end to your confusion, you will all be assigned teammates today, you will fight alongside these teammates for the rest of your stay here at Beacon, so it's best to pair up with someone that you can work well with, that being said the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years" he finished as he took a sip of his coffee

Goodwitch began to explain the nature of the test "Once you have your partner you will make your way to the northern temple once you're there you must choose a relic and return to the top of the cliff"

"any questions?" Ozpin asked, one boy raised his hand "No, good take your positions"

the students took their positions on the metal pads and one by one were sent flying into the air, Harry turned to Piper "Good luck pip" he smiled as he gave her a fist bump and was sent flying moments later

pip smiled to herself and before she knew it she was flying through the air towards the forest "whooohoo!" She yelled as she was hurtling towards the forest, before she knew it her spider-sense was warning her of the fact that the ground was rapidly approaching, thinking quickly she dug one of her daggers into the side of a tree slowing her down enough for her to land safely.

"ok, Parker you just gotta find someone you can work with no biggie" Pip said to herself as she ran through the forest but came to a sudden stop when she crashed into someone," hey watch where you're going!" Pip yelled as she looked up to see her new partner who was none other than Flash Thomson

"why the hell did I have to run into you first" Flash grumbled "Are you looking for trouble pipsqueak" he wore metal armour and was carrying an axe that Pip knew could transform into a machine gun

"hey it's not like I wanted this to happen flash" Piper shot back

"you're testing your luck Parker" Flash glared "Now I have no chance of passing this damn test"

"well neither of us are happy about it, how about we just work together for long enough for both of us to pass" Pip proposed begrudgingly

"Fine lead the way to the temple nerd" Flash agreed still not at all happy with his new partner

after some time Piper and Flash made it to the northern temple without any trouble other than their constant arguing "So we finally made it, no thanks to you" Flash glared at Pip

"excuse me, you had us walking south for twenty minutes" Piper answered with her own glare

"If you knew we were going the wrong way then why didn't you say anything" Flash continued

"I did multiple times" Pip sighed

"Are you two done?" Asked the familiar voice of Gwen resting her gun spear on her shoulder she was standing next to Harry who was resting on a nearby rock

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