Bird of Prey

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Gwen and Piper were running down the Main Street of Vale "Come on Gwen we're gonna miss it!" Pip yelled excitedly as she pulled Gwen along by her arm

"we wouldn't have been late if you didn't get distracted and nerd out about every piece of equipment in the weapon shop," Gwen said as she ran with Piper

"hey at least the guy gave us a discount on our order, he seemed impressed by my knowledge of Dust weapon integration" Pip reassured at least those countless hours working on her weapons weren't for nothing she managed to make high durability low weight casings for her dust ammunition so there's less of a chance of it blowing up if it gets knocked around during battle she wanted to work on making them smaller so she could finally integrate elemental dust too her web-shooters, she tried using some when she first started but she took a big hit from Electro and all her ammunition blew up in her face "took me a week to sew my suit back together after that, added extra insulation just to be safe for the next time," Pip thought to herself

"ok I think we made it in time," Gwen said as she caught her breath "How are you not even a little tired we've been running around Vale all morning?"

"umm I've been doing a lot of stamina training" Pip lied not at all tired from their quick run through half the city thanks to her spider genes, the two girls stood outside one of the largest towers in Vale tons of important looking people in suits where coming in and out of Oscorp tower

Once the two girls made their way into the conference hall where the exhibition was taking place they quickly found their seats awaiting the speaker for the event, walking onto the stage was Norman Osborn "Hello all who couple make it out here today, I am pleased to have so many faces here today both old and young..." Norman was cut off by a large explosion breaking through the wall and when the smoke cleared the Vulture descended in an upgraded suit he marched over to Norman and raised him above his head by the shirt

"you set me up Norman, you said you'd bail me out if I got caught!" The vulture screamed as he began to hover in the air, the room they were in could no longer support the weight of the roof with the hole busted in the wall and began to collapse, the attendees began to scramble to the exits

"pip we gotta go!" Gwen said as she tugged on her friend's red jacket, as the two girls ran towards the exit they got separated by the crowd

"keep going I'll meet up with you outside!" pip yelled out to Gwen, taking the perfect opportunity to slip away under some rubble and took off her jacket and t-shirt revealing her Spider suit "I knew wearing this under my clothes would pay off eventually" Pip laughed to herself as she webbed up her clothes and zipped into action landing on a pile of rubble next to vulture "hey bird brain how'd you get out of your cage" Spidey quipped

"should have known you would have shown your face bug, this doesn't concern you stay out of it," Vulture said coldly as he powered up his thrusters and blasted through the wall again before vulture could get away spidey shot a web line onto his wings and hung on for dear life as they began hurtling through the sky at breakneck speeds as Vulture tried to throw Spider-woman off causing Spidey to be thrown into the side of a building, she quickly recovered and began wall running while keeping hold of her web line, seeing this Vulture put his wings into full thrust and began flying straight up dragging Spidey up with him once he reached his desired altitude he yanked Spider-woman's web line and punched Spidey off him, as she was falling Vulture grabbed spidey with his talons and dragged her across the side of Oscorp tower before throwing her back into the conference hall where he shortly followed

"I gotta ask, how do those wings work?" Spidey puffed out between breaths as she got to her feet "Is it the way you're dispensing the Gravity dust that's getting you those speeds"

"well would you look at that the bugs got a brain after all, what a pity it'll be going to waste" Vulture laughed as he kicked Spidey back to the ground and put his foot down on her throat "Now this will be fun" he laughed as he began to press down but he was cut short by an electrical blast hitting him in the back causing the lights on his suit to go dark and his wings to go limp before Vulture received a kick to the head courtesy of Gwen knocking him off of Spidey

"Thanks, Gwe... civilian, not my best moment was hoping nobody was watching" Spider-woman laughed as she got into a fighting stance

"no problem Spidey, listen his wings have no insulation at all so they're susceptible to electric shocks causing them to short circuit" Gwen explained

"And you figured this out how?" Spidey asked embarrassed she hadn't figured it out too

"simple it would slow him down to much, in order to reach those speeds he'd have needed to cut weight somewhere" Gwen answered "Listen I'm a huntress in training I'll hang back and hit him with a couple pot shots while you take him head on"

"Now that sounds like a plan, but stay out of sight fighting super villains is nothing like fighting Grimm" Spidey gave Gwen a nod as she web-launched herself at Vulture who had just recovered, she stated crawling around him while webbing up his wings, as he tried to break free he was hit with another electric bolt causing his suit to go offline again, taking the opportunity Spidey fully webbed up the Vulture leaving him hanging from the ceiling in a cocoon of webs, Spidey lowered herself down from the ceiling and did a flip to land next to Gwen "I've gotta thank you, without your help, I'd probably be dead right now"

"I couldn't just let you fight him alone, I want to be a huntress so I can protect the people who need it, I uh gotta go look for my friend now I hope she's okay," Gwen said before running off

"SPIDER-WOMAN STAND DOWN WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED, COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP" Pip looked out the hole in the wall a dozen police cars were parked outside with a whole squad of officers pointing their guns at her a man with light hair in a blue suit was standing in front of them with Norman Osborn at his side pip instantly recognised him as Captain Stacy Gwen's dad, she used to come around his house all the time when Gwen and her were kids

"oh hey officer as you can see I've successfully captured our fine feathered friend, now I'd like to get going this suit needs a wash bad" Pip joked outwardly keeping her cool while she glanced around for an escape exit

"you've been tampering with Oscorp products little girl I don't take kindly to those who steal from me," Norman said coldly as he narrowed his eyes

"sorry dude but I haven't touched any of your stuff" Spidey laughed at the absurd statement

"We have footage of you aiding the known criminal Black Cat in breaking into an Oscorp facility, sorry sunshine you can't talk your way out of this one" Captain Stacy responded

pip knew she needed to get out of here fast before things took a turn for the worse "Oh that run down dumb, what can I say a pretty lady asked me to do something for her how am I meant to say no to that" Spidey joked while discreetly reaching for her belt, once she got what she wanted she threw three metallic balls at the police that landed at their feet, the police opened fire immediately pip's spider-sense was working overtime as she dodged the bullets, she quickly ran towards the hole in the wall once she was out of the building she jumped up and web swung away before any of the cops could give chase the metallic balls exploded covering them all In webbing

Spidey swung down the streets thinking to herself "Why was Norman so protective of that rundown lab, i better have a look at that file I took, it's the only clue I've got" Spidey spotted Gwen while she was sitting on the side of a building and quickly got herself changed into her civilian clothes and caught up to her "hey Gwen!"

"oh Pip thank goodness you're alright where did you go I've been looking for you everywhere," Gwen said as she looked over her friend making sure she wasn't hurt

"Sorry I took a couple of wrong turns while evacuating" Pip lied a hopefully somewhat believable lie

"you're never gonna guess what happened pip, I helped Spider-woman me and her take down the vulture together isn't that awesome" Gwen jumped up and down remembering the fight

"hehe sounds like a story everyone's going wanna hear let's head back to Beacon" Pip laughed at her friend's excitement as the two made their way back to Beacon

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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