Osborn legacy

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Pip was walking through Vale after picking up some parts for her pistols when she saw a dust store getting robbed by a group of Faunas all dressed in white robes and wearing masks that covered their eyes pip quickly ran into an alleyway "and Ruby laughed when i told her i keep my suit on under my clothes" Pip laughed as she changed into Spider-woman

"um knock knock, could you guys hurry up I've got a thing in an hour and I don't want to be late" Spidey said knocking on the door as she walked into the store

"It's the dam bug" one of the thugs yelled as he charged at Spidey, pip dodged the attack easily and webbed the Faunus to the wall

"now then I don't suppose we can just talk this out?" Spidey quipped as she dodged several punches from another thug before delivering a swift kick to her chest knocking the Faunus down, Pip's spider-sense started blasting making her dodge through a blast from the final thug's gun "Are you crazy we're in a dust shop" pip yelled before webbing up the gun before throwing it back at the Faunus while all the thugs were down Spidey webbed them all up and made sure the owner was unharmed before swinging off "the White Gang have been more active lately, I have a bad feeling about this"

After a long training session that Piper was late for due to some unexpected Spidey business pip found Harry laying down on the roof looking up at the night sky "So since when did you take up star gazing" Pip laughed as she climbed up and sat down beside him, Harry was probably Pips best friend she probably wouldn't have made it through combat school if Gwen and him didn't spend almost every night giving her extra training

"Just wanted to hang someplace quiet y'know, here's one of the only places I won't run into the ice queen" Harry smiled as he sat up

"Y'know Harry it's kinda wild that we're actually here at Beacon y'know I never thought I'd make it this far" said Pip remembering how far she's come from a little nerdy kid with a dream of becoming a huntress

"To be honest I had my doubts when I first met you, it would seem that Gwen and I are pretty great teachers and now look at you team leader" Harry gave Pip a punch on the shoulder

"Harry do you think that Ozpin made a mistake putting me in charge, the way we're going we might fail combat class" Pip sighed after their defeat by team CRDL Pip realised she wasn't doing a great job at leading her team

"Are you kidding pip no way, you've had us training extra hard since our last combat class and you've been losing sleep thinking up strategies non stop, Pip there's nobody else I'd rather lead me into battle" Harry said standing up for dramatic effect

"Thanks, Harry I think I needed a pep talk, next time we'll wipe the floor with whoever we're up against" Piper laughed as she got up her foot slipped on one of the tiles before she could fall off the edge transparent green hand caught her after Pip had got her footing the transparent green clone of Harry disappeared "gods your semblance is cool" Pip chuckled

"Yeah so you've said every time I use it" Harry laughed as the two of them made their way off the roof Harry looked upon the Vale skyline the Oscorp tower standing above all others

in a dark lab beneath Oscorp Dr Otto Octavius a short portly man was working a control panel for a large machine in the centre of the room he used his four long manipulator arms to work several parts of the machine at once something that would usually require a team of scientists to accomplish this is one of the many reasons Norman had Otto work on these shadier projects, Otto heard the door open and Norman Osborn came walking in "how much longer, I want that spider menace eradicated as soon as possible " Norman yelled as he pointed at Otto, Norman took a step back when he saw Otto's metal arms

"We're just about to start" Otto assured his boss "Have you procured a test subject for me?" Norman snapped his fingers and two guards escorted a man in a green-striped shirt

"Now, Mr. Marko I hear Spider-woman has foiled your attempt at robbery many times before" Norman let out a low chuckle

"yeah what of it, I'm only here cause you said I could get my revenge on that web-head" Marko yelled

"oh and you will get your chance at revenge but first step into that chamber" Norman pointed to a glass chamber in the machine in the centre of the room, with Marko in the chamber Otto flipped a switch and the machine came alive buzzing and whirring the chamber Marko was in stated to glow brightly Otto would have been almost proud of his creation if where not for Marko's screaming, as the machine powered down and the light faded all that left in the chamber was a pile of sand "another failure" Norman signed but before he could finish his sentence the sand began to morph and eventually took the shape of Marko

"What did you do to me" Marko asked as he looked at his hand that disintegrated into sand

"we've given you power and all I ask for as payment is for Spider-woman to be crushed like the bug she is" Norman laughed

That night as Spidey was swinging through Vale she heard the alarm of a nearby bank go off once they arrived there she perched on top of a lamppost she saw a figure step out of the bank door duffel bags full of money in each hand "Hey Marko don't you think bank robbery is a little bit above your pay grade" pip quipped as she jumped into action delivering a swift kick to the man's jaw but her foot just went right through him

"Not anymore web-head, now I'm invincible" he laughed before morphing his hand into a spiked ball and hitting Pip sending her flying back

"what the hell, you some kind of sand man or something" Pip chuckled as she got back up again and got into her fighting stance

"hey I kinda like that I can see the headline already Sand man kills Spider-woman" Marko sent a giant fist of sand at Spidey sending her into the side of a building

"ouch, my aura will break after a couple more hits like that" Spidey tried webbing Marko's feet to the ground but he just passed right through it and began to rapidly approach her, "Dam-it think Parker thought" That's when the idea came to her she looked around her searching for the one thing that might be able to help her but she couldn't see straight with her lenses cracked from the impact of Marko's attacks, that's when her vision went black and white all except for a fire hydrant that was glowing red "there you are" she smiled as she sent a web line at the fire hydrant and then pulling it out of the ground causing a torrent of water to spill forth "heh I guess my semblance is pretty cool too Harry" Pip chuckled under her breath

the water hit Marko and he began to lose his shape as his body turned to mud "What no way, this was meant to be easy" Marko yelled as his body became a yelling puddle on the streets of Vale, Spidey stuck around to make sure the police properly contained Marko as they arrested him though she had to keep her distance since most of the police officers did not like her very much

Once Pip got back to her dorm and properly changed she promptly passed out on her bed only for the team's alarm to rudely wake her up a minute later "Up you get sleepy head" Gwen yelled

"Please just 5 more minutes" Pip sighed as she begrudgingly got up and started another day

alright another chapter down now a couple semblance's where revealed Harry who can make a temporary clone of himself and Piper who can pinpoint weak spots or other things she's looking for but they need to be within her field of view, both take a pretty decent amount of aura to pull off so it's not something they over use

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