The Cat and The Spider

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Hi hope you're enjoying this fic I'm still working out who's gonna be the love interest for Piper it's mainly between black cat and Gwen at the moment for me
today was a day like any other pip and the team were on their way to dr Conners's class while Harry was busy arguing with Weiss Schnee this had happened every day for the past week without fail any time one of them saw the other they would start arguing at this point both teams RWBY and POST had tuned it out, turns out that Ruby had been partnered up with the ice queen during the initiation, pip and Ruby had become fast friends bonding over having to endure the Osborn and Shnee's constant arguments.
Dr Conners was giving a lecture on Dust's effects on biology "Now normally when a human or faunas has dust injected into their bodies they suffer a most painful death and that's why you must always practice good dust safety when handling this volatile substance but back when I was working at Oscorp my lab partner discovered a way to cause mutations in animal DNA using dust, sadly the project was scrapped shortly after this discovery as the higher-ups where concerned" almost everyone had written this statement off as one of the doctors many tangents of his days of working at Oscorp but to piper, it meant a whole lot more she was on a tour of Oscorp the day that everything began the day she was bitten by that spider.

That night spidey was swinging through Vale checking various banks and jewellery shops "I let that thief get away last night can't let it happen again, I've even packed some extra web fluid just in case, now if I was a pretty kitty where would I be" as she swinged past Oscorp tower her spidey sense blared and before pip could figure out where it was coming spidey saw Black Cat jump down an old tunnel from when they where building the railway, Spider-woman quietly crawled along the ceiling of the tunnel tailing the cat burglar as she went down a side tunnel after a short distance Black Cat stopped at an old door labelled Oscorp
"you can come down off the roof now dear" the white-haired cat Faunus smiled as stared directly at Pip "You honestly didn't think I wouldn't notice you"
Spidey lowered herself to the ground and approached Black Cat while keeping an eye out for any sudden movements "Why are you even down here cat I thought you were a thief, not an urban explorer" Spidey quipped "And what even is this place?"
"my my and they say cats are the curious ones, well to answer your questions it's an amazing old Oscorp research lab and my employer wants whatever's inside, trouble is the locks are pretty high tech, and that's where I made sure you were following me spider word on street is your some kind of tech wiz" Black Cat explained as leaned on the old door
"And you thought I'd just help you instead of taking you in" Spidey replied not amused
"Surely you're curious what Oscorp has hidden down here, we both know they're not exactly famous for their ethics" Cat smiled she could tell even through the mask that Spidey was tempted by the offer
Spider-woman sighed as she crouched down to hack the lock "Just so you know I'm not doing this to help you, I'm doing it to make sure Oscorp's got nothing dangerous in here"
Black Cat smiled "Whatever helps you sleep at night Spider"
Once Spidey had the door open the two entered a small lab with various test tubes and files scattered around the room it looked as if there had been a struggle a couple of files caught Piper's eyes "Spider gene spicing?" She whispered to herself as she took pictures of the files for later study "Hey cat you find anything?" Pip asked but as she turned around Black Cat was gone along with all the documents that were scattered around the place

"I'm such an idiot how could I let her play me me like that" Spidey berated herself, as she crawled towards her dorm window she checked to make sure all of her team was asleep once she knew that the cost was clear she quietly entered her dorm room, as she took of her mask the door opened slightly and Ruby's head popped in "hey are you guys still awake could I borrow Piper or Gwen's notes for Dr Connery class..." her sentence trailed off once she saw Piper standing in her costume,
Pip wasted no time and fired a web line at Ruby and pulled her into the room and instantly covered the black and red-haired girl's mouth with her hand "Don't say a word" she glared "I'll explain everything but you can't freak out ok" pip waited until Ruby nodded her head before she let go of the girl's mouth
"'re Spider-woman!" Ruby squeed quietly "I have so many questions how do your powers work, why do you do the whole superhero thing way, is it true you took down that electro guy a couple months back" Ruby questioned
"I'll tell you everything later just promise me you won't tell anyone about this," Pip asked desperately this was the first time anyone had found out her secret and Pip was freaking out on the inside
"of course, I won't tell anyone a superhero's secret identity is important, you have my word I won't tell a soul " Ruby replied cheerfully with a salute
"Thanks, Ruby I'm glad I can trust you, I promise I'll explain everything tomorrow" Pip gave a sigh of relief in a way someone knowing felt like a gut punch and a huge weight off her shoulders at the same time
"so can I get that autograph I wanted now" Ruby smiled as Pip chuckled

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