Beacon beginnings

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it was early in the morning when Piper was woken up by the sound of Harry and Flash arguing, "I'm telling you that Spider-woman is a menace!" Harry yelled hearing this always made Pip depressed Jonah was one thing but her best friend calling her a menace hurt

"she saves people, doofus, how can you not see all the good she does" Flash argued back defending his hero

"so how long have they been going at it?" Piper asked Gwen who was getting her uniform on

"since about eight I think, would be impressive if they weren't so annoying" Gwen answered as she finished getting ready

"wait what time is it now?" Pip panicked

"It's eight-thirty, and our first class is at nine so Miss Team Leader better get a move on" Gwen smirked as the saw pip make a mad dash to get ready

the newly formed team managed to get to their first class on time, this class was grim studies and was pretty boring even for a nerd like Pip, professor Port had a habit of recounting his past experiences in long drawn out stories that Pip had struggled to stay awake for, "now who here thinks they've got the blood of a true huntsman or huntress in them" the Professor asked as he ended his tale, immediately two hands shot up into the air those being Harry and Weiss who where both glaring with intense fury at each other, Pip had heard Harry complain about Weiss Schnee countless times they had met each other a couple of years ago at some fancy event put on by Oscorp and soon they became rivals much like their fathers, Port picked the young Schnee much to Harry's dismay she was tasked with taking down a Bourbatusk, Pip noted down how Weiss made use of her semblance to create platforms she could jump off the battle did not take much time and soon enough the teens were off to their next class

now this was the class that Pip was the most excited for it was dust science with Doctor Connors, "hey Nerd you okay, you look like you just won the lottery" asked Flash with a look of what seemed to be genuine worry

"How are you guys not excited this is like the best day ever!" Pip squealed excitedly

Gwen butted in between the two "Doctor Conners has been Pip's idol since she was little, you should see her collection she has every single book he's ever written, she even has a poster of him in her room" Gwen chuckled at her best friends obsession

"Gwen be quiet he might hear you" Pip whisper yelled to her teammate

"who might hear what? miss Parker" said an older man in a lab coat his most notable feature being that he was missing his left arm "I would appreciate it if you paid attention to my class instead of gossiping amongst yourselves"

"Sorry Doctor Conners won't happen again" Pip apologised

"suck up" Flash mumbled

Pipper was completely engulfed by Doctor Conners lecture "Now class I've been researching how Dust can affect living beings by combining it with lizard DNA I've been able to have rats completely regrow limbs, now I shouldn't have to tell you how this could completely change medicine and lives of people all across Remnant, sadly we're still far from that future as we can't move onto human and Faunus trials until we are sure it's completely safe", Doctor Conners continued with his lecture on the use and history of Dust

Later that night Spidey was swinging through Vale on her nightly patrol when she saw a strange figure crawl out of the bank window, Piper slowly crept towards the mysterious woman now she was closer she could see that the thief was a Faunus woman with white hair and cat ears wearing a black jumpsuit with white fur along the collar and a domino mask across her face, she had a duffel bag swung across her shoulders that was overflowing with cash and jewellery "looks like you've been on quite the shopping spree" Spider-woman quipped announcing herself

"hmph so you must be the spider that everyone's talking about, I thought you'd be taller" the cat Faunus joked as she maintained a distance from Spidey "While I'd love to stay and chat with you cutie kitties gotta train to catch," she said as she ran off the edge of the building and started jumping from rooftop to rooftop

"she thinks I'm cute?" Piper blushed as she swung after the cat faunas, Spidey launched a web line straight at the thief but she missed instead her web latched onto a billboard that the faunas had just passed, this caused Spider-woman to slam face straight into the side of the building

"better luck next time Spider" black cat laughed as she disappeared from view

Spidey tried to swing after her to only be met with two empty web-shooters "Parker luck" Pip grumbled to herself

the journey back to Beacon was significantly longer without her web-shooters but she managed to get back before sunrise, pip stealthily entered her dorm room through the window sharing a room with three other people made sneaking in and out much harder as she changed out her costume she noticed flash was passed out on his desk with a various textbooks open a slight smile came across pip's face "maybe I was wrong about you Thompson" she whispered to herself as she settled into her bed in the hope of getting a couple hours of sleep

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