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Well. The few days have escalated to a high degree, Jaune obtained a manager for his entertainment career. And Nora gets to see hot boy Jaune. Win win! It started with better shots in riskier locations. Nora and Jaune would go to Emerald forest and take some shots there. With Jaune pouring water in his open chest under the sun. Or skinny dipping in the lake. To say the least, the consumers wanted more.

Nora and Jaune were sitting at the library, going over Increases and ideas for new shots. They tampered with the idea of a group shot, possibly her and Ren maybe. Though Jaune didn't know how Ren would feel, Nora assured him that nothing was forced and that Ren isn't as innocent as he plays to be.

While they were looking over stuff they heard footsteps approaching. The two turned the page in their notebooks going over dust formula studies.  That way it wouldn't look to out of the ordinary.  

They look over to see the resident ice queen, Weiss. 

Weiss: "Oh, Jaune, Nora. I didn't expect to see you here, are you studying?"

Nora: "Well hello Weissy, and if you must know. Yes we are!" She gave a wide grin while Jaune was praying she wouldn't over sell.

Weiss: "Well I'm glad to see you two taking your studies seriously. If only I could get my team to be on board like you." Weiss started Rambling on about how her team being lazy and such.


Jaune picked up his scroll and saw that an update occurred for another model he follows. 'Blackheart has posted'. He looked around to make sure he wouldn't be seen and opened the post.  On the screen was a Bleiss Schnee (yes motherfuckers we doing this) and the moment he saw her risqué pose Jaune forgot how to breath momentarily.  His eyes grew Wide and he drooled a little.  You see, while his advances on Weiss fell short, he had stopped, though he had felt empty for a while, he felt whole again when a certain obsidian angel popped into his life.

Though the two aren't officially dating, they definitely have the hots for each other.  Its really just a matter of the two for actually admitting to it.

Suddenly Jaune was shaken by Nora.

Nora: "Jaune-Jaune! Are you good fearless leader, you zoned out for a second, and your dro-... hehe" just like that Nora caught on.

Weiss: "Arc, are you well? You look like you have something on your mind. And you have a bit of drool hanging." With that Jaune wiped his mouth and adjusted himself. 

Jaune: "Sorry just saw something on my scroll that was.. mouthwatering." He said with a faint blush. Nora was trying not to crack up, and Weiss was thinking of food. "Anyways I'm sorry Weiss, what were you saying?"

Weiss: "Ahem..." She had. Bit of a blush. "Well I was wondering if maybe I could join you on your study times. It's hard to actually get anyone to study with me." She said in a seemingly bashful tone. Jaune caught on but was on guard. 

Jaune: "I mean sure, I don't mind, how bout you Nora?"

Nora: "I'm cool with Weissy joining us, after all She's smartest of the first years sides you Jaune." Jaune smiled as did Weiss.

The three studied while Jaune and Nora texted each other about asking Bleiss to possibly doing a collaboration shoot. Weiss noticed the two texting and was curious.

Weiss: "You two have been extra close lately. Is something going on with yiu two?"

Jaune had a mild panic while Nora thought ahead.

Nora: "Oh, Jaune-Jaune has been asking me some stuff that's a little personal team wise, nothing more than that.  Sometimes it's easier to ask someone your close to, ya know." She gave a thumbs up while Jaune felt more relaxed.

Weiss: "Oh, I know it's personal, but maybe an outside opinion could help?"

Nora: "Sure!" Jaune started to tense again. He never knew with Nora due to her no F attitude. "Jaune was actually wanting to get a job, so that he could help surprise Ren and Pyrrha with something, since they've been so close. I'm not on the list cause I'm planning on getting them a gift as well." Weiss grew a wide smile and thought it was touching. As for Jaune, what Nora stated wasn't that far off from another reason he continued to model.

Weiss: "Well you two are absolutely wonderful teammates, I could only imagine how touched Ren and Pyrrha would be. To be honest, it's great to see such familial bonding with your team. "

Jaune: "I got lucky with some of the best team members ever, they became a family to me. I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Nora: "Of course we are great. Also, I'm sure Pyrrha would definitely be touched with her gift." She said with a snide grin.  Jaune being the dense dumbass he was didn't get it, while Weiss had an idea since she was aware of the spartan's feelings toward the scraggly noodle.


Jaune looked down at his scroll and saw it was a message from Bleiss. He smiled wide, which was noticed by Nora and Weiss. Weiss for some reason looked worried while Nora was happy because of how happy he was.

Blackheart: 'Hey stud! I heard from Thunderthighs that you may wanna collaborate! I would love to! Just be careful once I get my hands on you, I'm probably not gonna let go. I'll see you Saturday!"

With those words Jaune jumped up and yelled.

Jaune: "Woohoo!"

Librarian: "Shhh!"

Jaune: "Sorry!" He sat down, hid face as red as Ruby's cloak. "I got excited. I'm seeing an important friend this weekend. She is visiting from out of town."

Weiss heard the word 'She' and her alarms went off. 'WHO IS SHE!?' She thought. She finally realized some feelings she had and now he has another one! She was definitely not the happiest camper.

Nora: "Oh, is you know who coming? I'm can't wait see her!" Hearing this  made the heiress calm down a bit, since Nora know about her it probably wasn't a romantic partner. "With her we'll be able to finish this project easy." Weiss calmed down ever more hearing it was a project partner in a sense. Phew she felt like she dodged a bullet.

Weiss: "What kind of project?" Nora and Jaune froze a bit, they were trying to think of a way to explain.

Jaune/Nora: "Art Project!"

The two laughed afterwards with Weiss joining in.

Weiss: "Well I had fun today, I hope we can do this again soon."

Jaune: "Same here Weiss" Not hearing Snow Angel kinda hurt a bit for the girl. "It's great that we can hang out."

Nora: "Yeah Weissy, if you see us here just pop a squat!" Nora didn't miss a beat when she noticed Weiss urged at the lack of nickname.

With that Weiss stood up and walked away. Waving as she left.

Nora: "Fearless leader how much do you weigh?"

Jaune: "I dunno, like 210lbs? Why do you ask?"

Nora: "Just wondering how you weigh so little bit are dense as fuck."

Jaune: "Eh?!"

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