Spicy Obsidian

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It was the weekend. Jaune was dancing around happy as could be, Nora knew why, as did Ren since Ren was aware due to some group shoots they did. Pyrrha noticed this and was happy to see Jaune in such a mood.

Pyrrha: "Well Jaune, I haven't seen you like this in a while, what's the occasion?"

Nora: "Oh, me and him are meeting a friend to help us with an art project. She flew over from Atlas this weekend to help."

Pyrrha: "She? Who is she?"

Ren and Nora noted to subtle Yandere tones coming through but Jaune being the dense ass he is paid no mind.

Jaune: "She's a really close friend that helped me with the whole getting over Weiss thing. And no, you two can't come because it involves you two.  So stay here."

Pyrrha felt betrayed, not that she can't go. But that it's with another woman. She had to know who this hussy was!

Jaune: "Alright, well we are taking off, Ren you're in charge, no parties, no hookers, and no illegal tea leaves."

Ren: "You'll never find the evidence anyways." With that the two left. Not even 5 minutes later. "Pyrrha." He looked over to see Pyrrha wearing sunglasses, a mask, and a trench coat. "What do you think you're doing?"

Pyrrha: "Well I heard of a lovely Cafe in Vale, and me wearing this keeps the public from recognizing me." Ren narrowed his eyes, while this was true. But he knew better.

Ren: "Very well then." Pyrrha grinned. Thinking her plan was a success. "I'll be tagging along with you. After Jaune and Nora get a good distance away." She than slumped forward. She was thwarted yet again.

Meanwhile in Team RWBY dorm

Weiss: "Guys, I wanna go to Vale."

All the girls looked over and raised eyebrows.

Ruby: "Okay... why? And why announce it?"

Weiss took a breath to muster courage.

Weiss: "Because Jaune is meeting a girl.... and I need to see who it is!"

Blake and Yang gave each other bombastic side eyes.

Blake: "If I may Weiss, why does that matter?"

Weiss started to blush and poked her fingers together.

Weiss: "Well... I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I realized I was to hard on Arc- I mean Jaune after he stopped pursuing me I noticed that boys that tried to flirt with me were just after my title, their lines were hollow and empty, while I felt actual warmth with his...  and I regret it so much!" She has tears starting to appear. "So if this friend is Jaunes love, I at least want to see I have no chance before pursue further."

Her team was actually surprised at the mature nature of Weiss. She softly cried a little while wiping her tears. She felt the soft embrace of Ruby and opened her eyes.

Ruby: "Don't worry Weiss, we'll be here for ya. Now let's get ready to spy on Vomit Boy!"

WBY: "Ay!"

Timeskip to Vale.

Jaune was nervous, he was meeting a girl that he had been hard for and it's rapidly approaching. And even better for him, he's going to pose dirty with her. To say the least, blood was pumping, to both heads.

Nora: "Sooooo you nervous?"

Jaune: "Nooooo shit. I feel like my cock and heart are gonna explode."

Nora: "Hehe kinky." She slapped him on the back. "You'll be fine. Especially since you two have been pining for each other for months."

Jaune: "What do you mean? She doesn't feel that way about me right?"

Nora's eye twitched she was soooo done with his dense ass.

Nora: "You're lucky your hot and book smart cause I'm sure a van that said free candy and comics appeared you jump in."

Jaune: "I'm not that bad!" He pointed. "I am well aware of certain people's feelings, like how you wanna rock Ren."

Nora: "Jaune, Ruby know I wanna fuck Ren. It's not a secret." Jaune looked defeated.

Jaune: "How bad?"

???: "Pretty bad handsome." With that Jaune's eyes went wide. He turned to see her, essentially the color swap  of Weiss. Black luscious hair, red eyes, and a very curvy body that skipped Weiss. "Hey there." She smirked and walked up to him. Placing both arms around his neck. "I'm so happy we finally get to meet. I've been wanting to do this for a while." She reached up on her tippy toes and gave him a quick peck.

Nora: "Dense ass motherfu-"

Suddenly the sound of metal crumbling and glass breaking occurred.  They all turned to see Pyrrha, crushing the glasses in her hand with Ren tied up on her back.

Pyrrha: "Oh Jaaaaauuuunnnnne." She wore a sickly smile.

Nora: "Run you two."

Jaune: "Nora wai-"

Nora: "FLY YOU FOOLS" She runs to Pyrrha and tackles her.

While this is happening, Jaune picked up Bleiss bridal style and ran towards the hotel they were going to stay. As they did they ran passed a particular group consisting of Team RWBY.

Weiss: "It's her......" She looks down feeling sad.

Ruby: "Weiss, why did that girl look like you?"

Weiss said nothing, as she dashed, following the two. Yang pulled Ruby back, shaking her head no.

Jaune and Bleiss made it to the hotel and got their room, Jaune was feeling all the emotions. Happiness, nervousness, and anticipation from being with Bleiss, and fear because of Pyrrha.

Bleiss: "You know I wanted this to be a more fun meet up." She sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder.   "I'm really happy to be here with you darling.  You have no idea how happy you make me." She wrapped her arms around his. "I know that my sister rejected you, but I want to fill that void. And i-" before she could finish. Jaune lifted her chin and kissed her. The moment their lips touched they felt sparks and static. Butterflies were in both of them and they never wanted it to stop. Jaune pulled away softly.

Jaune: "Bleiss, I know we sell pictures of our selves for horns people, but will you let me be the one who loves you."

Bleiss: "Yes you dumb cute dense idiot!" She glomped him onto the bed and they started a heated make out session.   They heard the door open as they broke up the kiss thinking it was Nora. To their surprise and worry, Weiss was standing there.

Jaune/Bleiss: "Weiss?!/Snow Bitch?!"

Weiss: "We need to talk. Please..."

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