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Did he survive?

But how? Hadn't his heart exploded? He was sure he felt that terrible pain. He was sure he was dead too. It was clear that there was something odd about it. Maybe his mind was playing some kind of trick on him?

While Katsuki was lost in thought, the door opened and someone who looked like a nurse walked in. It was a girl who appeared to be in her early 20s, with brown hair in a ponytail. She looked like a newbie, and she didn't look like someone from the locality.

"Oh! You're finally awake. How are you feeling, little man?"

She came over to Katsuki with a cheerful face.

"Little man?!"

Katsuki was shocked when she heard her own voice. Her voice was just like when she was a kid!

'What the heck is going on?!'

Katsuki decided to look at his body and just as he thought, his body had shrunk. He was like a little child. No matter how incredible and unrealistic the situation seemed, he had to stay calm and evaluate the situation properly. Preparing to be a hero, Katsuki knew how important calm was.

"Haha, all right big guy. Tell me how are you? Do you have a headache? Do you feel anything weird?"

Sitting on the chair next to the bed, the young woman took a logbook in her hand. She looked at him as if waiting for Katsuki to speak.

"I...I'm fine. I have a headache but very little. I don't feel anything weird"

"Okay honey, I'll give you a headache medicine. By the way, your family is waiting outside."

The woman took the medicine from the drawer and took a glass of water from the jug on the same drawer and handed it to the little boy. Katsuki said that he wanted to see his family after he had taken the medicine.

"Okay, after talking to the doctor. You'll have to wait a little longer, okay?"

The woman was obviously taking extra care so that Katsuki wouldn't be afraid. But there was no need for that anyway. Katsuki calmed down. When he heard that his family was outside, he felt that he wanted to see them for some reason. He had seen them before the war but hadn't said goodbye to them. He actually thought he was being a little rude to them. So now he wanted to see them. He wanted to say goodbye to them, even if it was just a game of his mind.

While Katsuki was thinking these things, the nurse had already talked to the female doctor and his family. To sum up, Katsuki was let go because it was decided that he was fine. No one said a word for the past 5 minutes in the car.

When they got home, they were finally able to speak. Of course, it was his mother who spoke first.

"You're okay, right? Does your head hurt a lot?"

"Yes, I'm fine. It hurts a little bit, but the nurse gave me medicine, the pain will go away soon."

"Oh my god! Are you seriously sure you're okay?"

The calm demeanor of his children, unlike his usual, was enough to terrify Masuru. At that moment, Katsuki realized his mistake and tried to act 'as usual'.

"Of course I'm fine! What could happen to a strong person like me?! Only minor abrasions!"

For some reason, what he said by shouting was more convincing to his family. They sat on the sofa and faced Katsuki. An environment was prepared to discuss a serious issue.

"Then tell me, how did you end up like this?!"

Here came the question that Katsuki was wary of. He was quite sure that his mother would ask him, but nothing came to mind. Because it was very possible that the others already knew about it. So he tried to keep quiet and pout. Like any little boy who gets scolded.

"How many times have we warned you to be careful? Since you're going to the forest, then you should have been extra careful! What if something worse had happened to you?! What if you hadn't woken up?! You scared us so much!"

The scolding continued a little longer as her mother's voice continued to rise.

The thing was: Katsuki and a few friends were playing in the forest, and Katsuki and Katsuki decided to climb a tree and walk on the bridge. Then it fell from the tree into the water. The green-haired boy, Izuku, pulled him out. When he didn't wake up, they panicked and went back immediately. When his family saw that he wasn't awake, they went to the hospital. He was unconscious for about 20 minutes.

Hearing this, Katsuki felt a sense of déjà vu. He remembered such a moment.

he was something that happened when he was 4 years old.

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