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It was another hot summer day, Katsuki and his mother had come to visit Katsuki's grandparents, who did not live far away.

Oddly enough—which Katsuki was used to by now—his grandparents were just like his own family.  Mitsuki was attracted to her mother.  Her angry and aggressive demeanor was coming from her. His grandfather was a quiet man.

As a sociable child, Katsuki had acquaintances everywhere. He wanted to be remembered wherever he went.  So most people knew him.  Katsuki had many friends.  On the second day they spent here, Katsuki went out.  He had someone to find.

A villain he saw on the news. Someone who is almost a year older than him.

Toga Himiko.

The fact that this girl's eccentricity was too strong to be taken as a joke made her the person most worthy of attention.

If she drinks the blood of people she loves, she can use their quirks. If she finds a strong quirk, who knows what will happen she? That's why they locked her up on an island alone and took care to separate her from everyone else to take care of her alone. Of course, after Hawks' proposal.

Katsuki didn't know what had happened to her. But he didn't need to know either

.Even before she managed to copy the quirks of others, she was a dangerous villain. Fighting head-to-head with her, Katsuki saw how strong her speed and ability to focus was.

Definitely dangerous.

That's why he had to take care of her first and foremost.

Katsuki, who was curious about the reason for the villain events that started after she hurt the boy named Saito, whom she saw on the news, investigated her. And even went to her home.He hadn't met anything nice.

Her family had left the house. The walls of the house were completely covered with curses. With words that disparaged her, with terrible lies and insults.

Normally, it could cause someone to commit suicide.

Katsuki also wondered why she did this to Saito in the first place. Her quirk, the side effects of her quirk, her attitude so far, her life, everything.

What she did was perhaps the rebellion of a girl forced to be normal.

Katsuki wanted to give her an opportunity to defend herself.

He wanted to prevent her from becoming a villain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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