Meet the Cullens

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"My god Emmett! Hurry up before she wakes up!"

Huh? Whose that? Esme no.... That voice is a bit too bitter sounding. I rolled over on the couch and groaned.

"She's waking up. Jasper!"

I felt a sleepy feeling hit me like ton of bricks.

"What the...."

I pushed past my tiredness and opened one eye rubbing the other.


I croaked looking at the five figures in front of me.

"Oh Alex sorry for waking you so suddenly but I wanted you to meet the rest of the family!"

Carlisle's voice entered my ears, but I was more focused on the salty coppery smell of blood.

"This is Edward the youngest of my children."

Carlisle said gesturing to pale boy with as Bella described tamed messy bronze hair. I couldn't stop my smile and I tried to stand up.


I cursed under my breath falling back into the couch. A sharp pain shot threw my legs. Carlisle rushed to my side and put gentle pressure on my leg.

"Your pain medication must've worn off I have your prescription in my office. I'll let my family introduce themselves while I get it."

Carlisle explained and I nodded. He went off to the stairs and I tried not to shift around. I looked around at the new faces. One particularly catching my eye.

"Oh my god....that's freaky! You have my face!"

I squeaked pointing at whom I assume was Alice. She laughed whimsically and smiled brightly.

"Isn't this wonderful!? It's like there's two of me now!"

Alice giggles clapping her hands.

"Yes cause we all know we need another Alice in our lives."

A beautiful blonde hair girl said and Alice rolled her eyes.

"Rosalie shush!"

She said and grabbed my hands.

"That's Rosalie she can be a little mean at times."

Alice explained and Rosalie scoffed. Well she doesn't seem to happy with me here.

"Over there is Jasper. "

Alice pointed to a tall guy with wavy blonde hair. He looked pained and his eyes showed some emotion I couldn't put a finger on.

"Emmett's standing back there by the wall."

I looked over Emmett and he looked how could I say incredibly strong? He was a lot more muscular than Edward or Jasper.


He called and I smiled. But my smile faltered, something dark stained his shirt. The remembrance of blood flooded my mind.

"Did you guys go hunting or something?

I asked without thinking staring at Emmett and I swear everyone visible tensed.

"Well...yes! We did go hunting and Emmett got a bit of deer blood on himself....he was just a bout to go change. Right Emmett?"

Edward answered giving Emmett a annoyed look.

"Yeah yeah! I'm going! Don't get your panties in a twist Eddie!"

Emmett called going up the stairs and I giggled. Rosalie glared daggers at me and I turned my attention back to Alice.

Alice? My name is Alex!! (Twilight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now