Alice? My name is Alex!! (Twilight Fanfiction)

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"Bye Lexie! Call us as soon as you get off the plane Kay? There should be a driver waiting for you when you get there! Oh and there's a surprise waiting for you when you get home. We love you!"

I gave my Mom a small smile and stared down at my hands awkwardly.

"I will Mom and thanks you didn't have to get me a present though..."

"Oh nonsense! Think of it as an essential. Right, Clyde?"

Mom said lightly hitting her newest fiancé on the chest. Clyde cleared his throat and answer awkwardly.


Mom gave him a face and turned back towards me.

"Oh we'll miss you so much! But this is good for you , you know. Forks is a beautiful place and I'll know you'll love it. It's peaceful and there's lot of woodland for you to explore and maybe you and some friends can go camping or-"

"Last boarding call for flight 23 to Forks, Washington."

The lady on the loud speaker announced interrupting my Mom's rambling.

"Mom I need to go, bye I love you."

I said walking towards the jetway.


I stopped and groaned.

"Mom your gonna make miss my flight!"

"It will only take a second."

She turned and whispered in Clyde's ear, Clyde looked a little bit unsure and gave my Mom a look. My Mom responded with her pouty face, no one could resist the pouty face. Clyde sighed and walked up to me, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Have fun and be"

He cleared his throat. Oh no.


My eye twitched but I gave them a fake smile. The only person I could ever let call me Pumkin was my Dad. He died when I was three and since then my Mom's been getting marriage proposials like no ones buisness and has been happily accepting them. Clyde is currently fiancé number 11.

"Thanks, Cly-"

My Mom coughed and I sighed.


I finished and an awkward silence took over. Well this was the most awkward time ever.

"Uhh... I have to go bye!"

I turned and quickly scurried away towards the plane. Without anymore awkward situations I showed the flight attendant my ticket and boarded my plane. I sat down in my seat and sighed. I checked my phone for any messages and then placed it on airplane mode. The flight attendance came forward and explained the usual rules and how to use the life jackets and air masks.

"Buckle up and please stay seated at all times until its safe to walk about the cabin. Thank you."

The plane attendant announced. I looked out the window and saw the last of the warm sunny weather. Goodby Georgia, Hello Forks. The plane took off and I took out my nook as soon as the flight attendants said it was okay to use electronics. I clicked open one of my favorite book and read for an hour before finally drifting off to sleep.



I groaned and groggily opened my eyes to see a flight attendant gently shaking my shoulder.

"Huh? ..."

"Miss, the flight is over you now must get off the plane."

She said sweetly I replied with a nod and she walked away. I stood up with a yawn and packed up my things. Grabbing my carry on bag, I left the plane to gather my luggage. It took me an hour for me to retrieve my luggage and to find my cab driver. My mom was right though, Forks was actually very scenic place. Forks seemed to be surrounded by tall oaks and pines. We had passed many hiking and camping locations on the way to my house. We pulled up to the house. Oh geez... My Mom had gone overboard again. I stepped outside the car and stared at the large 2 story in front of me. It had cream panels and burgundy shutters with huge windows. There probably was a basement too. I sighed and pulled out the shiny new key on my keychain. I opened the heavy front door and let out a loud groan.

Alice? My name is Alex!! (Twilight Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now