My. name. is. Alex...

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I turned off my phone alarm and yawned. Time for school. I got up from my bed and cracked my back with a groan. I scurried into my bathroom, which was thankfully located in my room and turned on the shower. I picked out an outfit while the water heated up. I pulled out a red button down blouse with my ripped white skinnies and red ballet flats. Steam floated out from the bathroom and I jumped in the shower. Washing my body with my favorite body wash and washed my hair, while of course having my iPod play Set fire to the rain by Adele in the background.

I finished my shower and dried off my hair and body. I grabbed my lotion 'Midnight Wonderland' and lathered it on with an after spray of perfume. I put on my clothes and picked out a sapphire blue handbag. I looked around for my inhaler and placed it in my bag. Yes, I have asthma. I took my phone and iPod and placed it in there too. I checked myself over in the mirror and put on a little black eye shadow and brushed on some mascara. I threw my purse on to my shoulder and did a final check in the mirror. Perfect. I grabbed the keys to my Audi and picked up my backpack. I went into the garage and unlocked the beast of a car,putting it into the ignition. I bounced in my seat as I revved up the engine. Music to my ears! I pulled out of my garage and made my way to the school vaguely remembering the way I went when I first drove there.

I pulled into the parking lot and everyone's eyes turned toward me. Well, more like the car. The windows were tinted and my face was blushing slightly. I hate being the center of attention. I stepped out of the car and everyone whispered amongst themselves. I took a deep breath and walked into the school building, ignoring the people and entering the main office. There was a different lady siting at the front desk this time and it seemed she was to engrossed in a game of solitaire to look up at me. I stood there awkwardly for a moment before sighing.

" Excuse me...?"

I said, she glanced up at me with a slightly annoyed look.

" Yes?"

" I'm new and I was wondering if I could get my schedule...and maybe a map of the school."

She actually stopped playing the lonely card game and shifted though a couple papers in a filing cabinet while the bell rings loudly in the hallway. Great now I'm late on my first day.

" Name?"

She grumbled and I rolled my eyes.

" Alex Belfond."

She handed me two papers and a took them in my hands while the very nice lady murmured.

" Welcome to Forks."

I muttered a dry thanks and left the small office. I looked at the map and sighed. I can't read maps for my life... I picked a random hallway and turned the corner. Bam! I heard the sound of papers flutter to the ground.

" Ow...Oh my gosh I'm sorry!"

I said , frantically picking up the papers scattered across the ground.

" Oh no its fine, Alice. I got it."

I looked up at the timid brown haired girl with a sigh. I handed her the papers with a small smile.

" The names Alex. I just moved here and your about the 4th person who has called me Alice today."

She blinked and a small blush tinted her cheeks.

" Oh geez. I'm sorry! You and Alice look so much alike; only you have green eyes."

I waved my hand dismissively.

" Don't worry about it. It's not like I have family here so of course you wouldnt know me."

She smiled slightly and stook out an hand.

Alice? My name is Alex!! (Twilight Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora