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I try to keep up with Masky and the other two. I run, through the woods seeing hallucinations pass by me. I stumble, I end up rolling down hill. I hit my back against the tree trunk. "Idiot! Watch where you're going!" I groan, I tremble. I stand up shakily, the place covered with trees and fallen leaves. It is foggy, no chance of me finding the trail up. I climbed the tree just beside me, I sit down. I see hallucinations, spreading and creeping closer. I climb further up, "God, I'm sorry. I was being followed..." I apologize aloud "I saw. What's the point now? This won't save us." I frown, "I know. Do you recognize anything?" I ask "Stand up on top right corner." I do so I see more fog, but trees too. "Run forward then right." I jump off the tall tree, which hurt my ankle. I run getting scratches, and scared. "Where?" I ask "A cabin, remember." I nod and hurry as I am being chased. I run faster, I saw a cabin. "Hah, we made it!" I smile, "Idiot!-" I was suddenly grabbed by my neck. "Heh, I heard little 'Slendy's' kids would be here." I shudder "Scared? Nothing more than a scared brat!" the man laughed, at me. I cough, blood fell to his hand, he looks at me. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" he drops me I stand up. My fingernails pitch black. I look at him, punch his gut. He coughs as he he falls. I sit on his stomach crossed legged. I continue to punch his face, his whimpers and cries stop. I was pulled off of the man, "Hey! He's out! Chill out!" I heard my hands soaked. I step back. "I couldn't reach you in time." I step back more. The three stared at me. "I...I'm...sorry." I whisper as I look down.

"He choked you, which probably provoked you." I see Masky trying to explain what happened. "There's a huge hand print on your neck." Toby points out. I don't remember that. "I don't remember anything." I say which surprises them. My hands bloody, the man dead, did I kill him? I twitch. "I don't remember killing him. Did I kill him?" I ask they looked at each other. "Yeah, you did..." Hoodie said in a questionable voice. "Did you? Or did I? Who killed him?" I don't know. "How did I get here?" I ask "You fell down and you ran here. I saw you, but you ran away saying something." Toby said shrugging. "Saying something?" I ask "Yeah, you apologize at first. Then had a conversation." Toby spoke, I shook my head. "I don't remember." I say as I look at them desperately. "Well, let's get going. You already finished the task." Masky sighs I shook and took a step. "Yeah, we can't afford to stay here longer." Hoodie suddenly picked me up piggy back style. They run, one carrying me. "What's going on?" I shrug. Hoodie suddenly stopped, making his head hit my chest. I saw the mansion, as he set me to my feet. Slenderman stood in front of me. "Did you do as assigned?" I shrug "I don't know." I say as my hands were still bloody, which he looked at. "Masky?" Slenderman asks "He did as assigned." Masky responds. "What does he mean?" I look at my hands "I don't know." I mumble, "What do you mean?" Slenderman asks I look up at him. "I have no memory of anything." I say as stand up a bit. "Amnesia. I read your record, and you have it." I look at him "What record?" he turned to the three "Did he need assistance?" Slenderman asks Masky shook his head. "As expected."

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