Falling Simply

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   "Cam! Cam!" I stood up blurry visioned. Someone calling me over and over. My hands had small cuts, my wrist bone uncomfortable. "Okay! I get it....." I snapped, not wanting to. A suddenly hit came to my face, my vision snapped back. I clearly saw, a girl with black hair and had Jeff the Killer's smile. She tried to hit my stomach which I blocked and made her turn around. "Why you....!" hitting her would only cause me shame. "Hit her! You have no reason not to!" I try my best not to. I kept deflecting her hits until she took out her blade. I sigh, and get ready. She grew angrier each time, she finally, hit my shoulder with her knife. I spaced out, I felt my life suck out as I no longer had control of my body. "Three main quater hits, two main targets, one soft." I felt lifeless. As my body moved without my command. Not my voice either. The other side of me, was about to hit hard on the girl, so was she. When tentacles wrapped around each other. "Nina. Cameron." Slenderman spoke sternly "My name is not Cameron!" my other side became angrier, it was a she. Even Slenderman looked surprised. "Let me go." she demanded. Slenderman stared at my body, confused. "Let me go!" She began yelling, until she stopped Nina I believe, was watching confused. "You killed me..." with that I was returned. In the process, I ended up vomiting.

    Slenderman, called me to his office. I went, "Child who is the female who was within you." Slenderman looked concerned. "I don't know. She hasn't told me her name." I said as I looked at wrist. "Is she listening?" he asks "I...don't know." I shrugged, my feels then dropped. All these negative emotions began taking me in. "Are you alright?" I look at the carpeted floor. "Y—yeah." I stutter, "I won't need anything else." I excused myself and left. I kept looking down. I felt as of people were staring at me. I feel uncomfortable. Stop it. All the sad feels became stronger, for no reason. Why won't it stop? I bump into someone, I only heard muffled voices. They grabbed my shoulders and made me look up at them. Hoodie. Muffled talking. I stare, as my watery eyes were about to flow down tears. I move away and begin walking away, I head to the woods. I slowly walk, tears start to fall. A tentacle picked me up. I turn to look at Slenderman. "Why are you crying...?" I look at him anger filled my face. "You traitor you killed me! I believed in you! Let me go!" My voice mixed up with the female voice. "What did I do to you? What is your name?" I look up at him crying, "Doll."

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