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Toby asked me a strange question yesterday. Although, I did respond no, I have no one in mind. "Hmm, h...o...m..?" I shrug, "I don't know. It might be so." I say aloud as I hold the coffee mug. "It is said all over. Really. It is." I look at my coffee mug. "Well, I don't know that. I'm not them.-" "Who you talking to?" Laughing Jack startled me. I shudder, "No one, I was just thinking aloud. Sorry." I say he smiles and laughs. "Okay." he leaves. Odd. Jeff and Ben, come in together. "I told you so." I stare at space. "Okay, I give in. It seems that way." I spoke, "Hi, Cam." Ben hugs me. I spit out my coffee. I cover my mouth. I set the coffee mug down, I let go on the sink. "Sorry, Ben. You startled me." I say as I wipe away the coffee. "No, I'm sorry. I startled you." Ben smiled, I set my napkin down. Jeff was eating away, at whatever it was he was eating. "Strange." I sigh, I slouch slightly as I shook my head. The headache pain increases. I head off to go to the woods, perhaps silence will cure me. I held my coffee mug. I sat still, as I found the perfect area. I drink my coffee. "Oddly, they are like a classroom." I sigh "How would I know, I don't remember one." I sigh and turn aside. "The coffee. Was it what I said?" I shrug, "Maybe, I'm not sure how I reacted." I hold the coffee mug. "Hi." I turn and see, "I'm Eyeless Jack. Are you lost?" I shake my head. "I'm Cameron." I say, "Nice to meet you. However, I've never heard of you. So, that means I can have your kid-" "No, you can't." Masky steps in I stare at them. "He, is new. You just have not heard of him." Masky sighed, I blink "Kidneys?! Really? We still need them. Well one, but a spare is good, to have." I look at my mug "I guess so." I mumble. "Wait, so I can have your kidneys?!" he asks happily, "Jack! You can't kill him, he's Slenderman's fourth proxy." Masky hissed, I keep looking at my mug. "Gosh, so persistent. It is a bit annoying." I lean my head a bit. "I guess..." I mumble as I look down. "Cam?" "Lately, we haven't done anything. Less trouble." I keep staring, "I know." I sigh, "Is he okay?" "I might have to think about it. Your coffee drinks are bad for your system, and the lack of exercise. Along with disorganized sleeping hours."

"Whatever is best." I say as I was suddenly being shook by my shoulders. I fall aside, as I fall asleep.

I woke up bleeding from my face. "Child, are you alright?" Slenderman and two or three others with him. I step losely, I stumble a bit. My hand covered in blood, mine, possible. I look at Slenderman, tired. "Where am I?" I ask as look up at him. "In the woods. I was informed you repeatedly hit yourself, and didn't seem awake." I couldn't see that well, I look around. Hallucinations stalking us, I look at the ones behind Slenderman. I can't tell who, I hear static also whispering. I can't hear the voice in my head, I bend forward covering my ears. The noise was so loud, I can't make it stop. I was talking? I am so confused. My neck snapped down, it grew silent that I couldn't hear. I was suddenly walking in a direction. I see them, but don't know why. I stopped staring up, I waited. I felt something against the bone of my neck. My head pushed down, I felt a cold blade. Suddenly something wrapped around my stomach and pulled me back. My heels dragged against the leaves, not high heels. I suddenly puked blood. I hung my head low. I don't understand what is going on. "Cam!" I finally heard. I see Slenderman, he had one of his tentacles wrapped around my stomach. There was rocks where I was standing. "What were you thinking child?" I felt pain every inch of my body. I realized Masky was beside Slenderman. I fell asleep again.

I woke up somewhere else. I was not in my bed. "Hey!" Toby waves at me. I sit down. "Hi." I look at him, he stood there. "Sooooooo, what has been bothering you? I mean, you almost killed yourself out there. Slenderman had to come." he sits beside me, across from me. "I don't know. I wasn't doing it." I say as I am clean and not as gory. "You are clean. Thanks to me! I rinsed off most of the blood." Toby seemed to smile I thank him. "Thanks." I smile lowly, "Toby, can I go to my bedroom?" I ask he shook his head. "Nope! Your bed has blood all over it, Slenderman has to clean the bed. You can sleep with me." Toby suggests. I shrug, "If I'm not a bother." I say as I look at him he yanks me in his bed. "You're shy you know." he laughs I smile sheepishly. "I guess." I mumble as I lie on my back. He also lie on his back, Toby fell asleep holding my arm. I lean my head left, as I begin to fall asleep. I hear the door creak. I drowsily turn my head, I see the pale mask the door quickly closed. I blink and fall asleep.

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