3. The day we talk.

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Vance's p0v

I saw griffen coming home from his hang out "hey griff" I say "hi V" he says "how was ur hang out?" I ask "it went okay." He says and smiles as he set his skateboard down next to the door "okay, fine tell me about it" I say and smiled "okay so we were hanging out at this abandoned place and found lots of stuff there but my head hurted so I layed down and.." as griffen trails off I listened

No one had taken care of us my parents left me when I was 10 to go to a business trip I'm 15 now it's been five years and I hated being lonely so I went to the adoption center to adopt and I adopted griffen as a brother we got along very well but when he told me his past I was pissed I always made sure to protect him at all cost my parents and uncle

Always send money to me so I can pay the rent for the house "We had so much fun! I loved it! Now we're a friend group!!" he says I smiled "I'm glad u have new friends griffen" I say he smiled "um Vance?" He says "what's up?" I ask "would u hate me if.. I like boys?.." he says I honestly didn't care of who he likes

"Of class not, I'm.. I'm gay my self. I have to accept it." I say he smiled "who u like?" I ask "billy.." he says as a blushing mess "oh? Billy that's protected u from the bullies when u were 10?" I say smirking "yeah I'm not sure if he likes me tho" he says "ur to younge to date" I say as he groans "I'm 13! Bout to turn 14!" He says and groans

"To bad billy is like a year older then u?" I say "two months older then me" he says "oh, well u can date once ur 14" I say he smiled "okay!" He says he went up to his room I texted him I was gonna go outside for bit I slipped my shoes on and went outside I let the cool breeze hit my face it felt very nice

I decided to js walk around and I eventually ended up to a skate park some how I leaned against a tree as I notice the boy doing awesome trick shots was bruce he looks so handsome.. shit. Stop vance u don't like him u like another boy. Yeah.. bruce. SHIT. I leaned my head on the tree until I heard him stop skating

I open my eyes and looked to see what happened bruce was laying on the ground as I saw tears stream down his face "stupid dad why can't I live my own life? Oh bruce ur so skinny eat more oh bruce ur so fat u should eat less fucking stupid dad oh yeah hit me all u fucking want like it's gonna do any better for my mental health!" Bruce shouts as it echos what? Is bruce life not perfect?

He gets up and dust himself I hid behind the tree but js before I can leave he looked over my way "Vance?" He says I js got out behind the tree and he looked surprised "what are you doin?" He asked as he got closer "um nothing js went out for a little walk" I say "oh nice, wait- did you hear what I said?" He ask

"Oh no, I didn't wait what do you mean?" I say obviously lying "oh nothing, sorry well how are you doing?" He ask "doesn't fucking matter" I say harshly "right sorry,  didn't meant to ask" he says "I guess it's okay." I say bruce looked down at his skateboard and spinned his wheel "hm still works" he says

"bruce?" I say "hm?" He hummed "um I was wondering.. wanna be friends?" I ask he look shocked and calmed also "sure, why not?" He says "wait really?" I say "of course" he says I smiled I took out a cigarette and grabbed my lighter and lit it up "isn't that bad for your lungs vance?" He asked

"yeah but I don't care" I say he nodded and put his legs close to his chest "wanna take a hit?" I ask "no thanks, I'm good I don't do those stuff" he says softly "oh? C'mon pleasee js one hit it's not that bad" I say he looked at the cigarette then at me "fine" he says I smiled I passed him the cig

He took it and put it in between his lips as he inhaled it and blowed it out "wow you sure you never done any of these?" I say smirking at him he js gave me a half smile "I did, back when I was 13 problems back then still there is tho" he says "woah really?" I say he nodded and threw his head back gently on the tree

"Lots of problems back then I always smoke well vape to y'know" he says as he looks at me I nodded "how old were u when u first smoke?" He ask "14" I say he chuckled "what's so funny?" I ask "I thought u smoke before me" he says I chuckled "crazy" I say as bruce inhaled the smoke again and blowed it out

"I better stop before I get addicted again" he says "nah it won't hurt to do it again" I say he chuckled "very funny vance" he says "I'm serious it won't hurt to be y'know addicted again" I say more firmly this time he thought for a bit and looked at me "I guess" he says and smiles

"That's the spirit, well it's getting dark I should head home my lil brothers is probably waiting for me" I say and got up "griffen, he's your brother right?" bruce says as he also got up "um yeah how you kno-" he cut me off "you guys seem close and also cause on how you guys chat on Instagram postes" he says

and gave me the cigarette back I took a hit as I blowed the smoke out to my side so it didn't hit bruce "oh well, get some rest bruce" I say "you too, vance bye" he says and leaves as I watch him leave he waved a pack of cigarettes I checked my pockets as I didn't feel the pack of cigs

"bruce! That's my only pack!" I shouted "too bad! I'll give it back tomorrow!" He says I smiled no wait I can't fall for bruce he's not my type totally not. I started to walk home once I got home I saw griffen on the couch talking to billy "hi Vance!" griffen says "sup little dude hey billy" I say as I rubbed their hair messing it up

"hey vance" billy says "you guys hungry?" I ask "yea, can we get McDonald's? Pleasee" griffen says "sure, is billy sleeping over?" I ask "If that's okay with you?" billy says "yeah sure I don't mind js don't be to loud I need sleep since there's no school tomorrow" I say they nodded I ordered McDonald's and they ate

I went to my room and closed my door I didn't have my pack but I still had my vape I used it inhaling and blowing it out I went on my phone to text robin so I can get bruce phone number


V: hey robin

R: what's up?

V: do you any chance have bruce phone number?

R: yeah I do why?

V: can I have it?

R: yeah sure it's 760 *** ****

V: alr thanks

R: ur welcome

I'll text bruce tomorrow morning I layed down on my bed and slowly closed my eyes until I drifted off to sleep

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