6. I'ma be my own self

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bruce's p0v

I woke up with a huge headache it hurts really bad I look around my room and saw stuff thrown on the floor my clothes my back pack cigarettes and other stuff I look over at the clock 8:50 am shit. Oh well I honestly don't care I'ma be my own self and not be this 'golden boy' person I chose out a black shirt with a skull on it

Out on some dark blue baggy jeans with chains hanging out with a checkers belt and some black converse I put on some clear mascara I stoled from my sister amy and put little circles pericings on put on some cherry chapstick and grabbed my jacket and looked at the two alcohol bottles in my study desk

I took them and put it in my backpack as I cleaned up my mess in my room I went over to Amy's room to checked if she was okay I open her door and saw her there sleeping "amt you okay?" I say as she slowly open her eyes "mhm.." was all she hummed so I closed her door and

went downstairs to the kitchen

"Why the fuck are you dressed like that?" my dad says "dressed like what?" I say pretending not knowing what he ment and smiled innocently "you know what I mean. Now change" he says "Mm, no thanks" I say and grabbed a water bottle and headed out I grabbed my skateboard and started to skate

To school once I got there I heard whispers "there's no way that's bruce" "why is he dressed like that?" "He looks like a fucking fag" whispers continued but I didn't care I went inside the school and met with finney "hey finn" I say as he was looking at his phone "hey bruce- woah." He says "love the look" he says

I smiled "yeah, I'ma be my own self and not dressed how um supposed like a nice guy gentle men I hate that" I say a finney chuckled I saw vance leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette and waved he waved back "wait what about ur reputation?" finney ask "fuck it who cares about my reputation?" I say

"Only your dad does, so yeah fuck it" finney says as we both chuckled "hey bruce ur ruining ur reputation! You look like shit" a boy says as he walks away with his friends "I don't fucking care" I say as everyone frozed I shrug it off as finney smiled I took out a pack of cigarettes and looked at every one litting one up "what has gotten into bruce!" Whispers continued

I looked at finney as he gave me 'are u serious right now?' look "want one?" I say "no thanks" he says as he chuckled the bell ranged and I set out the cigarette and went outside of the school grabbing my skateboard and skated towards the park near the school I sat down "I thought u were kidding" I heard

I turned and saw vance "oh hey, I wasn't u was be for real" I say and smiled as vance gave one back "want one?" I say as I took out the pack of cigarettes "sure" he says as he sits next to me litting the cigarette "what happened last night? I don't remember anything" I say as I blowed the smoke out

"You were drunk, I was half drunk and we kinda idk kissed?" vance says akwardly at the end "oh" I say "it's fine we were js drunk it didn't mean anything" vance says "right yeah" I say and inhaled the smoke in and blowed it out "are you actually gonna ruin your reputation?" vance asked

"Yeah, my dad is the only one that cares about it" I say as vance nodded "do you like the alcohol?" he asked "yeah, but I'm not gonna do it again" I say "c'mon its not that bad js drink alcohol all you want who cares?" vance says "no one cares?" I say "mhm, so why not do it if nobody is gonna stop u?" vance says

I smiled "your right" I say he inhaled the smoke and blew it out "I'ma head back" I say and put out the cigarette "wanna go back together?" he ask "sure why not?" I say he smiled we were talking about how school is once we got back to prison aka school we both looked at it

"I don't wanna be here" I groaned vance laughed slightly we enter the school and kept talking ig class was already over cause ppl came out of their classes and froze while staring at us "bruce has lost his mind!" "Vance and bruce as friends?! They way to out of each other league" whispers continued

I rolled my eyes at the whispers and continue to talk to vance we got to the school bathrooms and decided to smoke again until vance pulled something out of his pocket "what's that?" I asked as it looked like salt "it's cocaine wanna try?" vance says as he got closer to me "no thanks, I'm already doing cigarettes and alcohol" I say as vance frowned

"Isn't cigarettes and alcohol enough for a 14 year old that's going threw problems?" I say softly "what if those aren't enough?" vance says looking down at first then looking at me smiling "still, a no" I say and smiled vance groaned "c'mon it won't hurt! Nobody will know" vance says I sighed

"vance, no is a no" I say "fine, suit ur self because soon when u keep on smoking and drinking it can damage ur body and u can die~" vance says and teasing at the end "y-your right but-" I was cut off "but what? You wanna die?" vance says with holding air in his mouth and he looked like a chipmunk then blew out

"No.." I say "so then let's do it!" vance says "fine." I say

(vance manipulating bruce? Uh oh)

-its lunch time-

finneys p0v

as I sat down with robin griffen and billy they both introduce "hi I'm robin" robin says as he waves "I'm griffen! And this is billy!" griffen says "we call like all be a friend group?" I suggested robin agreed that was surprising "hey what's ur guys phone number?" robin asked billy and griffen after they gave their number

I noticed bruce and vance weren't with us strange "hey, anyone know where bruce and vance are?" I ask "no, he didn't come to class" griffen says js then I saw bruce and vance come over "hey where were u guys?" robin asked "oh, uh" bruce looked around for a second "we went to go help the janitor" vance says

"Oh, I'm surprised vance helped" billy says "oh, shut up" vance says they sit down and as bruce was talking bruce nose started to bleed "um bruce ur nose is bleeding" griffen says "yeah it is" I say bruce looked at vance as vance looked at him back "what you guys do?" I say

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