5. Fuck my reputation

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No one's p0v

bruce got home after hanging out with vance what is vance teaching him? what is vance in  fluencing bruce to do? drinking? smoking again? vance kissed him too.. that's stupid for bruce he needs to be perfect for his dad bruce went to the kitchen to see his mom cooking dinner "hey bruce, dinners almost ready" rose says

bruce nodded in response as his father felix who's also there had to say something "you say, okay mom not fucking nod pathetic child can't do anything right" as felix says that bruce responded with tears in his eyes "oh right I'm supposed to do it for you. Why should I listen?" bruce says with slight anger I'm his voice

"Excuse me?, do you wanna get hit?" felix says taking off his belt as rose looked at the in fear as she set down the pan and washed her hand with a wet rag "do it, do it like finneys dad does! So called discipline! it's not called that it's actually called abused" bruce says in full anger his dad eyes widen surprised and anger

"Oh?, So you think your touch now" felix says as he got closer to bruce "no, but I do know you only abuse us to make us so called perfect!" bruce says felix the slapped him as a light dark pink shade of color formed on his cheek bruce held back his tears and looked back at his dad

"Do it again. I dare you" bruce says his father had an angry look and slapped him again amy came down to see her father slapping her brother bruce "AGAIN! DO IT AGAIN! I BET YOU LOVE BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF US!" bruce has then shouted felix then hit bruce with his belt really hard

Causing bruce to fall in the ground leaving a mark as bruce got up again tears in his eyes but had an angry look "fucking do it again. you love hitting us don't you." bruce says felix couldn't handle it anymore and scoffed goin to the living room his mother quickly came to see if bruce was 'okay'

"are you ok?" rose says bruce scoffed and went upstairs passing bye amy as amy looked at him with a concerned look bruce shut his door closed and locked it he open his window to let in the nice cool breeze he then became stress again throwing stuff crying as he took of his jacket

He so bed throwing stuff around as if he was trying to look for something he soon stop when he look at the pack of cigarettes on the floor kind of sticking out of bruce jacket pocket he quickly went over to it and grabbed one he went to go look for his lighter as he found it he quickly lit up the cigarette

He inhaled the smoke and blew it out he felt more relief but not that much he needed more then that he then got a text from vance


v: hey, what happened?

b: you got drunk, so I carried you home

v: oh, sorry

b: it's okay,

v: hru?

b: I'm doin okay I'm feel relief standing up for my self but not that relief

v: oh, y'know what can help?

b: what?

v: alcohol, it helps

b: no, I'm not gonna drink again

v: c'mon its not that bad

v: unless you wanna feel more stress then don't drink it I'm telling you it helps

b: okay, fine, where can I find alcohol?

v: I'll bring some to you

v: your gonna have to sneak me in


: fine, hurry up then

bruce got off his phone and inhaled the smoke again it's been 5 minutes until vance has arrived  he saw bruce smoking sitting on frame of his window he looked at bruce mesmerizing him he snap out if it befor he drop the two bottles of alcohol bruce then notice vance

And set off his cigarette in this small bowl he has "vance!" bruce whispered yelled vance showed the two bottles of alcohol as bruce smiled he went onto this small roof he has under his window and stranded on the ground going up to vance "hey" bruce says

"hey, I have the alcohol want some?" vance asked "only for this night" bruce says as he walked back to the small roof to his window inside his room vance sid the same but was more careful to not break the bottles of alcohol "thanks, for you help" vance says as he set the bottles

On bruce study desk "your welcome" bruce says as he smiled sitting in his bed looking at vance they then heard footsteps as bruce locked his door bruce motion vance to be quiet as vance nodded "bruce!, Come out here you little brat!" it was felix of course "why?" bruce answered

"Cause your getting the beating you wish you never had!" felix says as bruce rolled his eyes he looked at vance as he saw him shocked in what he was hearing then vance looked at him mouthing 'talk back' bruce hesitated but did "as if I'ma come out you love to abuse me don't u?" bruce says

vance was quite shocked on what he was hearing "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!" felix says trying to open it "WHY DON'T YOU EAT SHIT! FUCKING ABUSER YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT YOUR SELF" bruce says as silent filled the room "I'ma kill u fucking pathetic child! js wait and see" felix says as he left back to his room

"bruce that was awesome, good job on standing for yourself" vance says bruce smiled as vance took one of the alcohol bottle in his hand "let's drink?" vance ask softly and smiled bruce smiled back and agreed they took a couple of shots until bruce became drunk "oh, life is so hard I js wanna disappear" bruce says

As he laughed softly vance was half drunk "y'know I should rly be myself I should js be myself showing them the real me. The boy who smokes who is drinking who skates the boy.. that's hanging out and friends with the vance 'pinball' hopper" bruce says as vance smiled but concern

"What about your reputation?" vance asked as he layed his head on bruce lap who was sitting on the floor his back against the bed frame "fuck my reputation" bruce says as he looks down at vance bruce wasn't thinking since he was drunk and leaned down and kissed vance

vance kissed back not realizing what he was doing that kiss soon turn a bit heated vance sat on bruce lap as bruce held vance waist once they were done kissing they realize what they had just did and quickly backed away from each other "shit, I'm sorry vance I didn't think" bruce says

vance liked the way bruce held his waist but he looked at bruce "it's okay, no worries!" vance says softly as bruce dozed off to sleep vance picked him up and put him on his bed covering him with his blanket he looks at bruce thinking on how bruce could kiss him

This is all stupid it's not real bruce is just drunk he doesn't know what he's doing vance thinks to himself he climbed out of the window of bruce and walked home once he got home he saw griffen there crying "woah griff why r u crying?" vance asked "I didn't see you here and I panicked" griffen says

"Oh, I'm sorry griffen I was over at a friend's house" vance says as he hugged griffen rubbing circles around his back "it's okay.. you owe me 2$ for that!" griffen says vance chuckled and smiled "wtv" vance says as griffen smiled vance was still a bit drunk and said something "me and bruce kissed and it was soo good" vance says

griffen froze he noticed vance was drunk "vance! You said you'll stop! You promised!" griffen says "sorryyy.." vance says as he laughed at the end griffen got vance to bed and thought "what were you doing with bruce? What do you mean?" griffen says softly as he heard soft snores from vance

he turned off the lights and went to his room and slept

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