7. monster.

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amy's p0v

I got out of bed it was still school time I had to get water my throat was so dry and sore I went down stairs going to the kitchen to get water I grabbed a cup poured water in and saw my mom on the couch sleeping as my dad was passed out on the kitchen stool with beers around the place as he also held one I sighed and went to my room

As I passed by bruce room his door was creaked open and it smelled I went to the bathroom setting my cup of water on the sink and grabbed a cherry spray as I entered the room it smelled but not just any kind of smell it smelled like.. cigarettes bruce promised me he would never do it again! I look over at his study desk and saw water spill

I sprayed the room and grabbed a wet rag until I got closer it smelled very strong it wasn't beer it smelled like alcohol how did I know? my mother used to drink it and it smelled in her room I cleaned the spill why would bruce drink alcohol and smoke? he promised me to never smoke again!

I look at his window it was open I closed it before I could I saw a small bowl there on the frame it was cigarettes that were lit out there were so many I frowned and put the bowl on the study desk I closed the window and sprayed it again it now smell like cherrys I went out his room and closed his door I went to the bathroom to grab my water

Once I grabbed my water I drank some I went to my room and closed it I grabbed my phone by my nightstand and decided to text gwen I layed down on my bed and put my cup of water on my nightstand


a: hey gwen?

g: what's up? im also in class

a: I know sorry, but y'know ur brother finney? check his room

g: you caught bruce smoking again?

a: yea, even drinking alcohol! I have no idea what's got into him!

g: I'll check finneys room once it's lunch time okay?

a: okay:) I js wanna make sure ur brother isn't going thru what my brother is going thru!

g: I know, don't worry he knows better!

a: okay! bye gwenny:)

g: bye amy!:)

I got off my phone and put it back in the night stand I soon fell asleep as I closed my eyes

billy's p0v

As we saw bruce nose bleed I looked at vance and his nose was also bleeding too "vance ur nose is also bleeding!" I say worried he touch his nose and saw blood "oh" was all he says "are you guys okay?" griffen asked "no- yeah we are were okay" bruce says "we'll wash it off in the bathroom don't worry" vance says as they both got up and left

"Something is definitely worng" I say finney and griffen nodded "are they doing something we don't know about?" robin says "I think so" I say we just continue to eat as bruce and vance came back but giggling and there eyes were red "dude!, Your guy's eye's are fuckin red!" robin says "what the fuck are you guys doin?" griff says

As they looked at each other and laughed "nothinggg" bruce says laughing as everyone stares at bruce and vance "what the fuck are you guys looking at? Ugly fuckers" bruce says causing every one widen their eyes in disbelief "good one bruce" vanc says as they both high fives each other still giggling

"bruce is fucking crazy! He's not so golden anymore!" someone yells bruce rolled his eyes "can every one please shut the fuck up? Like it's not that hard" bruce shouts everyone js whispered js then the principal came thru the cafeteria door "who here, has cocaine!" she says everyone looked at each other and shrugged "no one has cocaine?" she says again

js then vance and bruce burst into laughter laughing so hard they fell on the ground kind of rolling around "oh?, So mr. golden boy and Mr. pinball vance think it's funny?" She says "guys! Stop laughing!" I whispered to them but they couldn't stop laughing "first don't call me Mr. golden boy mrs.pepperion face" bruce says

As everyone had filled with laughter "dude, what has gotten into you guys!" griffen says "bruce not cool dude" robin says as vance and bruce kept laughing "BOTH OF YOU IN MY PRINCIPAL OFFICE NOW!" she yells as everyone stops they both got up and vance wrapped his arm around bruce bruce neck

As they both sticks their middle fingers at the principal leaving everyone including me and the others shocked

No one's p0v

As bruce and vance sticking the middle finger and sticking out their tongues everyone was in complete shock they both giggled and quickly run out of the school as the school was whispering what had happened to bruce? Who is this new bruce yamada? Why is he hanging out with vance hopper?

"Did you see their face!"  vance says laughing out loud same with bruce they were high very high "I know right! and the principal face when I called her a pepperoni face!" bruce says that was until a car honked and they stopped laughing to check who it was it was bruces mom "bruce!" she says angrily


uh oh look who it isss" bruce says teasing then laughing again same with vance "bruce! What are you doing hanging with that monster?" rose says that's made them both stop laughing "who u calling monster? Obviously ur a monster urself on still being together with that hag in the house!" bruce says as vance giggled but still sad

Of what he was called "bruce, what is wrong with you!" rose says "LOSER! BYEE" bruce says and grabs vance hand to the park again once they got there vance burst into tears sitting down on the bench "hey, don't listen to what my mother says she's a jerk" bruce says as he hugs him

vance wiped his tears "okay.. she so meann" vance whines the eventually passed out on the bench they soon woke up to their friends surrounding them "bruce! vance!" one of their friend says which was finney "w-what..?" vance mumbles as he slowly open his eyes "vance! school ended already and we've been looking all over for u guys!"
griffen says

"Oh" was all vance says "shit my head hurts" bruce says softly "we need to get you guys home" robin says they eventually got them home as vance layed down on his bed he had remember what bruce mom called him a 'monster' damn. 'that shit really hurts' vance thinks to himself

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