9. new boy?.

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vance's p0v

after reading the message amy had sent i looked up from my phone bruce had fallen for me? me? THE vance 'pinball' hopper? no one have could have fallen for me! especially THE bruce yamada there's like no way also the rumors were from bruce bullies why did i choose to believe adrian colin and nick?

what ever there probably acting i am js gonna go to sleep.

               -in the morning-

i woke up put on some random cloths and started walking to school as i was walking i saw bruce walking on the other side well skating on the other side of the side walk he looked focused i just looked away from him but befor i did he looked back at me and holy shit his face was all bruised and fucked up!

what the hell happened to him!? he then looked away backed to being focused on his skateboard js then griffen came to be honest i forgot he was walking with me "oh look there's bruce" griffen says in sadness "do you think what amy said and the video was all fake?" he asked "mhm, but did you see bruce face?" i say

griffen looked at bruce he shrugs "what? i can't see his face" he says "oh, well his face was all bruised and fucked up" i say his eye widen "what!?" he says in shock i js shrugged we got to school and met up with the others we started to talk as some boy barged in he looked new he was riding his skateboard inside the school halls

then stopped "sorry!" he says as he picks up his skateboard he started to look around then came up to us "hey, any of you guys heard of bruce yamada?" he asked "of course, we know him" finney says "great!, where is he?" he asked "why should we care? he's a fake ass friend" griffen says i bit my bottom lip js then we heard teachers screaming

we all turned and it was bruce but he was riding his skateboard also in the halls going very fast as he pushed people he then sticked the middle finger to everyone he soon stop when he saw the boy that was talking to us "CALEB!" bruce says as he stops his skateboard and goes over to us. "hey bruce!" caleb says

"oh, um let's go chat somewhere else?" bruce says but everyones eyes widen when they saw bruce face fucked up "holy shit!, dude who did it!? i swear i'ma fucked them up!" caleb says bruce js smiled but grabbed his hand but that made me feel.. jealouse? why did it make me feel jealous? why couldn't bruce hold my hand?

i stare at them as they leave the school anger flood in me who the fuck does this boy think he is? who even is he! just then some one tapped my shoulder "what." i say sternly "woah, calm down" robin says "look, let's not try and kill that new boy?" billy says as he comes up behind from robin i js rolled my eyes annoyed

"you don't get it. we don't know this stupid new boy! and he comes here and bruce talks to him and hold his hand!" i say very annoyed the group looked at me in shocked "what?" i say confused "do you perhaps have a crush on bruce?" griffen says i froze of course i don't! maybe.. i mean who couldn't!

his beautiful brown eyes shining in the sun. his smile looking very cute. the way he skates. the way he would touch me even if it was js a high five.. holy shit. i think i'm inlove!. and those times we kissed even if it was an accident his lips felt soft this is the first time i had ever fallen inlove.. and the person i had fallen in love with is bruce yamada

bruce's p0v

as i grabbed caleb hand taking us to the nearest park from school i then stopped us "okay, tell what the fuck happened to your face? wait was it the group that i js talked to did it!?" caleb says i chuckled "nope, were no longer friends.. my bullies did it" i say he looked worried "love, you have to be more careful!" caleb says

"stop with those name!" i say chuckling caleb js smiles "aw, don't love it anymore? c'mon u don't love your boyfriend anymore?" he says i laughed "bro change that to ex boyfriend" i say he laughed "right, but still you have to be more careful" he says i nodded me and caleb were bfs until we broke up.

we broke up cause caleb parents found out about us and made us break up we were deeply inlove until i found him with a other girl that broke my heart but he was forced to date her "are you still dating that girl?" i asked "oh, no my parents is letting who ever i wanna date now.." caleb says as he sighed in relief to be honest

i still had feelings for caleb which is fucking messed up though. two crushes i have. caleb and vance fuck "that's nice" i say and smiled "mhm, that's why i came here" he says "oh, why?" i asked not really understanding "i want us to be together again.. if you want?" he asked HOLY SHIT! i mean vance hates me for these rumors

"of course." i say softly and smiled he smiled to "i'm glad we're together again." he says me to caleb.. "me too." i say and look at him i grabbed his chin and gave him a kiss he hummed in the kiss i broke it as he layed his head on my shoulder "did you get better at skating?" i asked he nodded "a little but i swear who ever your bullies are-" i cut him off

"c'mon darling let it go" i say he js rolled his eyes "fine, you should come boxing with me tho" he says i nodded "sure" i say i felt staring from a distance and saw the group they looked shocked but vance looked heart broken "what the.." i say and got up as caleb did the same soon then vance ran away which looked like


as i looked at vance running away i looked at the group they gave me sad looks and went after vance i was confused on why vance runned away in tears "why were they staring at us" caleb asked "i dont know.." i say confused i grabbed his hand "let's leave the park and go some where to eat?" i say he nodded

"wait!, also happy late birthday.." he says as he gives me a skate board i held it. the bottom had baseball themes and stars "for me?" i say he nodded "thanks" i say and smiled he grabbed my old skateboard as i took my new one "let's skate to mcdonald's?" i asked "sure!" he says

vance's p0v

this was all bullshit it was all bull shit! bruce doesn't like me he never had! he never will! i was crying over some boy! life isn't fair! "vance!" finney says "vance look were sorry you had to see that!" billy says i just ignored them "you guys don't understand i really like bruce! but no we believed in the rumors!" i say

"now he thinks i hate him! in the fucking video amy sended he was literally crying! Smoking, and drinking alcohol! AMY EVEN FUCKING SAID HE HAD FALLEN FOR ME! DICK HEADS! HE PROLLY DOESN'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME ANYMORE!" i say in anger as they flinched i js sighed "sorry" i say

and started to walk away why me? i just want someone who loves me..

hey readers! i'm sorry made this sad😭 but its still a brucexvance! i promise js there's a bit angst

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