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Noobs POV:

I walk home from school to the grocery store, I need to get some crackers for my father since he wants a snack.
I walk into the grocery store, it's full but that's expected since everyone's driving their kids home and teens walking home from class. I head on over to the snack isle and search for the super Duper yummy crackers☆tm
I pick up the small box of crackers and head over to the cashier. The line is incredibly long. Longer than on the weekend. I smile at the cashier and wave as it's my turn to pay for my stuff. I hand the cashier 4.99 and head out to door with a grocery bag.
I decided to take the shortcut home. The alleyway.
The place where blue and Eli. went missing.
I miss them

Why did they leave me?

Are they dead?

I have to find out.

I walk into the alley. At this point there is no returning back. I must figure out what happened to my best friends, all I have to defend me incase someone attacks me is books, pencils and a box of crackers. Not good weapons to use in a fight, suddenly I feel my legs being grabbed, I turn around and see two large black slimy tentacles"WHAT THE FUCK?" I shout. What's going on? What are these things? I'm being pulled down a hole on where the tentacles come from.

Everything feels so cold.

What's happening.

Slowly, I begin to drift off to sleep, why am I falling....asleep...
I wake up in a strange place, I look Around and see a large red sky." " my heart begins to race "Do not fear, friend. " a familiar voice softly whispers in my ear. I turn around to see Eli. "Eli!" I hug him tightly and cry onto his shoulder "go...before he finds you."Eli begins to look worried. "Bacon, no please...let him live...don't take him to him.." Eli whimpers "Bacon is he-" I see gas around us and I pass out.
I wake up again, but this time in a palace. Eli is still sound asleep. And then I see him.
Satan. And there is a figure who follows him down the stairs.
It's blue
He's a demon.
"B-Blue...what happened to you.."
But blue does not awnser me. "Brother...please don't hurt him...I'm begging you.." Blue pleads. I now realize this demon is approaching me with an axe. I start to cry "don't....don't kill me.."I plead. The demon smiles at me and raises his axe. A large ball of blue light appears in blues hand. A book in his other hand. Blue attacks guest, guest falls to the floor "GUARDS! CEASE HIM!!!"
Bacon rushes to blue and t apprehends him while mumbling something incomprehensible.
"Bacon,let go please." Bacon does not let him go. "Unfortunately. Guest has a higher authority than you. Therefore until he says I can let you go. I am forbidden from releasing you." Bacon says in such a cold voice that it could send a chill down your spine. He cared about blue so much...why wasn't he letting him go?
Is a question I would have asked, if I didn't know he wasn't a robot. He is supposed to obey orders. Everyone can give him orders bt those of the highest authorities orders he can not override. Nobody can command him to release someone if the higher authority said to capture him. I feel so bad for bacon, he has very little choice. He can't say no. He must obey.
I back away from the demon and hit a wall, I'm done for. Why is this happening? I'm so scared. Nobody hears me scream or cry. Except my friends who can do nothing, I try my best to grt up and run away, I'm so scared.
"I'll do anything..." I plead again. Guest stops "Anything?" He smirks. "Work for us and you can live." I look up at him. Working as blue and guests servant only chance at survival. I nod my head and stand up "I will work for you." I reply "good." He smiles. But I know he is not smiling because he's feeling happy and being friendly, I know he's smiling because I have succumb to him.
"Release him bacon." At once, bacon releases blue and blue runs to me "you have made a decision I promise you will regret for the rest of your life. That is if you survive a day." He looks at me. Blue suddenly grabd me by the arm and takes me to his room.

It's beautiful. The best thing I have ever seen.

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