you are a tool.(ch5)

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    Ch 5: you are a tool.

Bacon's pov:

I miss old times. When everyone got along. When everyone was happy. 
I get up to go to duty, to my suprise master  is out waiting for me. "Ah, hello bacon. "  He smirked. "Good morning, master." I bow. " I have a Mission for you."he looks at me.  "Yes, what is it master? I am happy to serve you." I say.    "The royal librarian. Noodle. She has been misbehaving  recently. I need you to torture  her. Show her what will happen to those who disobey. " He  handed me a needle and sedative.  Since I didn't have one already on me. "Of course…master.." how could I do this , Noodle is my friend. But I cannot  defy.. I walk to the library.  "Oh, hello bacon! " she smiled. "Guest sent you, didn't he.." She frowned and grabbed a spellbook. "I sucked the sedative into the needle and attempted to poke her.

"He wants you to hurt me, doesn't he." She said, "Just stay still. It won't hurt." I looked at her upset. "are you fucking insane ?! I won't let you hurt me..please..don't." She growled. "I don't want to hurt  you..bacon. go." She whined.  I  jabbed the needle into her arm while she was looking for a spell. "...don't…do this…" she mumbled while starting to fall asleep. Once she was unconscious I carefully caught her in my arms. I carried her into the basement. Guest was waiting for me "good job bacon." He smiled. I tied her up into the chair sadly.  " I'm sorry Noodle.." I mumble. Guest  turns me around and grabs me roughly by the chin. "What's this, remorse?" He growls. " your so useless…bacon." He adds. I feel awful. Make it stop. I want this cycle of torment to end. "Stop it..master.. " I grumble. Struggling to get any form of word out. I can't stop myself from feeling awful. Why did the one I devote my life to and serve be so cruel, after all this time. He's so fucking cruel…so evil.

No…I can't think these things about my master, he's just having a bad day right? He's right. I'm being useless. I'm showing care. I'm showing remorse. "How dare you tell me to stop it. Don't forget who made you have a purpose. You useless tool." He looks directly at me. He throws me to the ground.. "when she wakes up. You are to torture her. Good day." He leaves. I sit down on the ground and curl up into a ball. I can't stay like this…I can't temporarily be free until I do what I am told…

Let the torture begin.

Her screams, they don't bug me anymore.

Why don't I care?

Is it








No, it can't be true…no.. why can't I feel any sorrow for her right now…

Something feels wrong.

>>>>>timeskip… ⏰️

After the torture Noodle is in tears. Something about her crying is enjoyable…I try not to think about it too much and untie her and unlock the basement door.    She ran out almost the moment the door unlocked.  I step out of the basement and  see Eli. "Hello Eli." Eli is crying his eyes out, did someone hurt him? He hugged me tightly "what has guest made you become ... .bacon…what did you do to that poor girl.." He sobbed onto my coat.
"I did what I needed to do, what I was forced to do." I replied, and pushed him away. "I need to go ask for my next assignment…I'll go talk later. Love you" I smile. I wish I could talk to my brother a bit longer…but no time to spare. I go to guest "your next assignment. It's another torture assignment. Torture **eli**.

I had to process those words..

"Master…my own brother…he'll hate me…no….sir…don't make me do that.."  I looked at him. Was he going to make me torture my own brother..?  "Sir..don't.. please."" I beg  "do it. You are to do it now." He growls. "He's my brother…master…please don't.. this is a joke right..?" I look at him. "MY commands have never been a joke." Guest shoves me "o-okay master..I'll do it now.." I run away.  "Oh! Hello bacon!" Eli smiles as a approach him..  "Eli, I'm sorry.."  i say "for what?"  He asks. I pull out the syringe. "Stand still. I don't want it to hurt."

He stood still: "o-oh…I…I understand.." He looks down and stood still. I ejected the sleep medicine using  the syrengine. Eli fell  asleep and I picked up his body and took it to the basment. I tied him to the chair and waited for him to wake up. When he wake up he looked scared, I could sense it. But he just kept smiling.   I kissed his forehead gently." I love you…I'm so sorry to do this..

[I'm not too good at torture scenes, so timeskip. I almost feel bad for bacon as I'm writing this. Almost.]

Eli is in complete tears. I hug him while repeating  "I'm sorry." Until he calms down. I untie him and he hugs me back. "I didn't like it" he mumbled.  "Here…I..I'll be with you at the dining room  in a moment…I'll make you something to along, now" I softly smile as he nods and goes upstairs. I clean up the basement  and notice someone walking in. I quickly turn around. It's just guest again.."what do you want.." I growl. "WHY so aggressive, bacon? I've just come to check on you." He smirked. "I have breakfast with my little brother, sir." I say. "Hopefully he shed enough tears. If he acts up again ill know about it. Stop showing love, I can't make you but just try. He is disobedient." He says.  "Thank you for not forcing me sir." I bow.

I walk away and go to the dining room. Eli isn't sitting but his back  was turned. Something is up, his clothes are  bloody…I gave him a spare uniform after torture so that can't be. He turns around holding what appears to be a kitchen knife and smiles. No….Eli…he…killed someone. What have I done. What really happened when he insisted that the torture  was fine.  I gasp and back away. "Oh! Hi bacon.. someone was mad about all the torture you were doing recently so they were making a plan to try and kill you. Guess overhearing  conversations comes in handy~! I couldn't let that happen so I had to kill  them." He smiles. "Eli, you didn't have to kill anybody. It's what I deserve-" as soon as I say those words Eli drops the knife and walks towards me. "I'm sorry." He looks down. "I…Its fine. If you need someone dead just tell me? I'll get the blood on my hands." I smile and kiss his forehead gently. We remove the body and Eli takes a shower, he washed his clothes and we walk back to the dining room.
I ask to cook for some eggs and toast for Eli.

Eli eats his food and gets up , "can we go play bacon?" He asks. "Sure, I don't have a shift  we should bring noob and blue along." I say. He nods.

Finally. Something peaceful to do with friends.

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