peace? or so I thought.(ch 6)

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         Ch 6:Peace? Or so I thought.

          🌙✨️Noobs pov..✨️🌙:

I was walking around out of bordemm  when I see my friends walk up to me, Eli and bacon!
"Hey guys! What is it?" I ask. "Wanna come play with us." Eli smiles. "Sure!" I smile "let's get blue now." Eli smirked and looked at bacon who was blushing. "He's in his room." I say. "I-Is my hair good enough? Am I dirty?" Bacon asks. "Your fine."  I smile. "You really need to tell  him about your feelings .."  he laughs.  "W-What if he rejects me..or he thinks I'm weird .." Bacon mumbled.

"ITS okay! Just be yourself.." I smile. We knock  on the blues bedroom door, he opens it. "Oh! Hey guys!" He smiled.    "H-Hello young master!" Bacon mumbled. He's already so flustered. Blue didn't have his shirt  on. To be fair  it was extremely hot today. "You have a nice body…young master "bacon smiled. "Are you   saying I'm attractive?~" He smiled. " are very good looking…young master.." He looked down. I've never seen bacon this distracted and flustered     " WE were wondering if you wanted to come have fun with us!" I smile. "Okay, let me get a shirt on.."  He gets a plain shirt on, it dosent  match well with the rest of his outfit but he seems to like it so I don't say anything.

"Well, let the fun begin" Eli smiles. Blue holds bacons hand as bacon smiles. The only time I've seen  him smile in quite the while. " let's go to the flower field. You know, the one north of the castle."   Blue suggests, we all nod and we wall over to the castle.  Once we arrive
Eli starts making flower crowns. "I'll make one for each of you!" Eli smiles. Blue sits down in the flowers, bacon sits next to him. I smirk. They look so cute together!  Eli finishes making all of our flower crowns.  Blue has a picnic basket, we set  the blanket down and blue sets everything up. I grab  a slice of cake, Eli grabs one too. We were all having a nice time, chatting. Playing. I see a figure approach us….guest! Shit! He's going to ruin  everything. That dude is trouble. Bacon got up and bowed "Ah, hello master! Do you need something?" He smiled. "I need blue..and you bacon..Well..if you want to come noob and Eli it's fine. I wanted bacon to start teaching blue how to fight will weapons and his hands." He crossed his arms.

"Teach my young master  how to fight?Ah! I would be honored master." He bowed and smiled. "C'mon guys! You can come too." He smiled.  Blue held bacons hand as he led him to the training area.    Bacon took his sword out of the holder and gave blue another sword from the box. "Now, let's see that dummy over there?" Bacon said, as he pointed to a training dummy.  Blue nodded. "Watch closely okay? I'm going to attack it and your going to follow up on the other dummy." He smiled. Bacon ran  towards the dummy  and cut its head off.  Blue repeated this, he was successful. Eli and me clapped.
"Good job young master!" Bacon smiled. "Haha, just call me blue. Guest isn't around right now." He chuckled. "Alright…blue..:" he smiled.    After a while. They finish, we go inside.   We see a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes pass by. Eli looks at the boy in amazement. "H-Hey! I've never seen  you…you new?" He asked shyly.  "Y-Yeah! I'm gonna visit my sibling  Noodle…you know her?" He asked. Eli nods :I'm Eli.. " he smiled. " Frenchie" he smiled back. "Nice meeting you! Bye.." he walks away.  We all walk toward him.  "Oooh! Eli has a crush~" blue teased. "He'd so cute..oh my god…" Eli blushed. He noticed while frenchie was walking over to the library, a girl approached her and wrapped her arms around his waist. He seemed to know the girl because they were talking like friends for quite the while. Eli went dead silent. Not good.

"If she fucking touches him like that again…I'll fucking kill her." Eli took out a pocket knife and clutched it tightly.  "Im sure we dont need to resort to violence eli…"  Blue smiled. "That is the dumbest thing I have heard come out of your mouth blue.." he sighed.  "Ah little brother…as I said.. just let the blood get on my hands…just let me know when you want her gone and I'll kill her." He smiled.    "Anyways…my battery is low.. gonna charge..see ya" he walks off…   I look at Blue. “ wish Bacon could make more decisions.” Blue sighed and turned to me. “Huh?” I'm confused.  “Bacon….he….can't make many decisions….Atleast nit big ones. He has no choice but to obey every single order given to him by me or guest. I can't imagine how bacon feels to just be..trapped like that.” He sighed, Eli looked away from us sadly. 

We sit for a few hours and talk about bacon…he should have finished charging  by now. “I wish bacon knew how much we cared for him… that we want the absolute best for bacon.”  Blue smiled. I turn around and bacon  seemed to cry. “Bacon…? What's wrong..” I say. “N-Nothing…I'm just happy to have friends  who care for me…”  He smiled and everyone went into a group hug, “Just know we will ALWAYS be there for you okay?”  Eli smiled and kissed his brother on the cheek. Bacon picks Eli up  and gives him  a piggyback. “Hey, I just got  a notification  on my watch…the castle is under attack by angels…we need to hurry” He said. Blue teleported everyone there, atleast it would be faster.  Bacon put Eli down and shouted at the guards “PROTECT THE KING AND PRINCE AT ALL COSTS!” He pulled out his sword and blue blushed “Holy shit…Holy shit! He's so hot.” Blue blushed  “your a fucking simp..” 

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