chr 4.

23 0 0

Ch 4.  Crushed.

Elis pov:

Today was another bright and beautiful day! I woke up from my bed and  made it, I put on my shoes and decided to start my chores so later I'd have some free time for myself. But first I should check up on my big brother  bacon. I walk over to where he's on his duty. "Hey bacon!" I smile, looking up at him. "Morning Eli." He messes with my hair "Morning!" I giggle. I like it when he plays with me hair, I like when he's nice to me. "Cmon, you have chores to do don't you? Plus you need to get the ballroom ready… I'll come visit after my shift."

He said. I run over to the ballroom to get stuff ready like the decorations. It's fun decorating. But it's not the regular balloons and streamers I'd like, it's fancy tablecloths. Candles. Vases of flowers.
My job was to pick the best flowers and put them in the vases. Picking flowers is always fun! I walk into the gardens and   notice blue sitting down on the stone  seat. "Blue? Are you ok?" I ask,I'm worried. He doesn't look
Ok. Was something wrong?   "I'm fine,Eli! Don't worry. Just thinking." He smiles. "Tell me what's wrong!"   He sighed. "Someone made fun of my makeup yesterday. Said I looked weird." He pouted. So that's what was wrong?I thought it was more serious..

"Where are they now?" I said. Pulling a pocket knife out of my shorts. "I think they are helping set up the ball… they had the same uniform as you and blue streaks in their hair and green eyes."He told me. "Thanks." I smirked, if everyone was in front I'd have to make their death look like an accident. Maybe crushing  would work. First. I have to wait for them to get on the stage and then quickly cut the power. Then I'd have to quickly rush up and mess with the spotlight and crush them with it. The key to this is to time it correctly. I walk back into the ballroom and   wait for them to   get on stage and quickly run over to the power box and cut it off. I re- lock it to give me a bit more time before it's turned on. I  position the stage light perfectly and then unscrew the stage light. And then. Boom. It dropped on them. I quickly  run back down and pretend to be setting flowers. To make it look like I didn't do anything I ask what the

loud thud was. Soon enough they turn the stage light on and I fake a reaction. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"  I Scream  as I see  the crushed corpse. Everyone is screaming and panicking. The noise draws bacon over and he bursts through the door. "What's wrong?!" He asks everyone and then looks at the corpse.  He then looks at me "I'm going to question everyone. How about you come first Eli?" He drags me. And we come outside smiling. "Good work. Little brother, it seems our family has not failed you." He smiles, brushing my hair aside.

"What did they do anyways?" He asks "they bullied blue." I frown." Oh. Then they truly deserve to die. Bullying people truly is a crime in my eyes. Good work." He says and hands me my favorite candy. Wow! I haven't had this is forever, I wolf down He candy and smile."  I have other people to "tell about my assumption" now.  Bye Eli." He  guides me back  to the ballroom "okay everyone! Based on  the evidence this death was an accident. It is truly unfortunate  that this has happened." He pretends to be sad. "I shall remove the body. " He pushed the light  away a bit and picks up the corpse, he then walked out to bury the the body. 

I got away with a crime, I killed someone. Take that mom and dad!   "

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